Today is Jackson's first day of Kindergarten. I can't believe he's old enough to be starting elementary school, but alas he is growing up.
As I walked into his room to wake him up, I expected excitement. Instead I got a grumpy kid who rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. I quickly fixed that problem by turning on his overhead light and saying, "Time to get up for school!!" Jackson wasn't thrilled about waking up but did.
Andrew dropped him this morning, so I wouldn't have to drag the three others out of bed. By the time he left the house, Jackson was very excited to start Kindergarten.
Here's to a successful and happy school year!
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
Summer Needs to End

My kids need to go back to school now.
I have had all four kids home with me for 3 weeks, and I've reach my limit. School cannot start soon enough.
It's August in Texas for goodness sakes. We play outside for 5 minutes, and I'm dripping in sweat. Hell, I start feeling sweat drip down my back after the monumental task of getting all four kids into the car. It's not getting below 80 degrees at night. By the time we all get out of the house to go play or run errands, it's already in the upper 80s and feeling like it's in the 90s. Don't even talk to be about going outside in the afternoon. It's not even in the realm of possibility unless a pool was involved, and that's out of the question because I can't leave Cassidy out in the heat. When your weather forecast says the UV index will have you burning in 15 minutes and it feels like 105 outside, I am not about to go frolicking in the fields. It would be more we go frolicking 20 feet, fall down on the ground, and suffer from heat stroke while getting a nice burn on our white as all get out skin. Not happening.
Now, I'm stuck inside with the kids who have an endless amount of energy (which I would kill for!). They're playing 'fight.' Yes, it is exactly how it sounds. The two oldest basically punch and kick at each other until someone comes crying to me about how so-and-so hit them. My response, "Then stop playing fight!" Or let's go jump on all the furniture and drive mom up a freaking wall!
And let's not forget the two littles. Poor Cassidy is getting her hair pulled every day. The poor girl is going to have a phobia about anyone touching her hair if it happens much more. Sawyer has learned to crawl out of his crib when he is determined, which means he's learned to climb the shelves in the playroom closet his brother's have left open (even after I tell them to close it!). Sawyer gets in the closet, pulls everything down, and makes a huge mess. Guess who gets to pick it up? Haha, not me. Jackson and Cullen can whine and complain about picking it up, but if they would have followed my instructions on closing the door, there would be no mess in the first place. So they get to clean it up. Completely fair in my eyes.
Teachers, I know you definitely deserve your break after putting up with 20+ classroom kids during the school year, but I need to send them back. It is for my sanity! Take them!
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Cassidy's expression sums it all up. |
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Open letter to Captain Obvious
Dear Captain Obvious,
Thank you for enlightening me. I had no idea when racing after my 21 month old down a hill while leaving my 5 month old alone in her stroller and having my 3 and 5 year old running around in a park that I have my hands full. It was very considerate of you to point out while smiling down upon me and continuing your wonderful stroll through the park. And it was very kind of the next three people who saw us and said the exact same thing.
What you didn't see before you turned around the bend were all of my kids behaving and asking questions about rivers, fish, frogs, and water. You didn't see me carefully pointing out a turtle that popped up or the caterpillar walking across the bridge. You didn't see my oldest holding hands with his brother while walking him about to help me. You didn't see two of my boys playing tag while trying to include their younger brother. You didn't see my 3 year old offering to push the stroller so I could put my youngest son's shoes back on his feet.
You don't see my kids standing up for one another when another kid decides to play too rough. You never see the light shine in their eyes when I let my oldest two hold their baby sister. You don't see my kids playing well together, happily digging dirt piles, and playing imaginary games. You don't see the out pouring of love they give me and their dad on a daily basis by giving us hugs and kisses.
No. You never see all the good things that happen. You walk in on a moment of complete chaos and point out that four on one keeps my hands full. Thank you Captain Obvious for telling me because I had no idea.
Yes, there are tears, screaming, yelling, and some organized chaos. Yes, some days I feel as though my kids are plotting a mutiny.
But amongst all the chaos and tears (there's and mine), you don't get a true glimpse into my large loving family and life. You don't see the sweet little moments that make the chaotic ones worth while.
So next time you feel the need to point out my hands are full while I'm running after a child who is a good 30 feet in front of me, please instead stop said child and offer a kind word or hand. I don't need your pity or crazy looks. A little kindness will more than likely be the high point of my day. A kind gesture and word goes a long way in making me feel as though I'm not entirely failing as a mom.
As much as you would like to point out the obvious, I ask that you not. I'm entirely aware of it.
Thank you.
Thank you for enlightening me. I had no idea when racing after my 21 month old down a hill while leaving my 5 month old alone in her stroller and having my 3 and 5 year old running around in a park that I have my hands full. It was very considerate of you to point out while smiling down upon me and continuing your wonderful stroll through the park. And it was very kind of the next three people who saw us and said the exact same thing.
What you didn't see before you turned around the bend were all of my kids behaving and asking questions about rivers, fish, frogs, and water. You didn't see me carefully pointing out a turtle that popped up or the caterpillar walking across the bridge. You didn't see my oldest holding hands with his brother while walking him about to help me. You didn't see two of my boys playing tag while trying to include their younger brother. You didn't see my 3 year old offering to push the stroller so I could put my youngest son's shoes back on his feet.
You don't see my kids standing up for one another when another kid decides to play too rough. You never see the light shine in their eyes when I let my oldest two hold their baby sister. You don't see my kids playing well together, happily digging dirt piles, and playing imaginary games. You don't see the out pouring of love they give me and their dad on a daily basis by giving us hugs and kisses.
No. You never see all the good things that happen. You walk in on a moment of complete chaos and point out that four on one keeps my hands full. Thank you Captain Obvious for telling me because I had no idea.
Yes, there are tears, screaming, yelling, and some organized chaos. Yes, some days I feel as though my kids are plotting a mutiny.
But amongst all the chaos and tears (there's and mine), you don't get a true glimpse into my large loving family and life. You don't see the sweet little moments that make the chaotic ones worth while.
So next time you feel the need to point out my hands are full while I'm running after a child who is a good 30 feet in front of me, please instead stop said child and offer a kind word or hand. I don't need your pity or crazy looks. A little kindness will more than likely be the high point of my day. A kind gesture and word goes a long way in making me feel as though I'm not entirely failing as a mom.
As much as you would like to point out the obvious, I ask that you not. I'm entirely aware of it.
Thank you.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Blog Re-Name - My Imperfect Family
Ever since Cassidy was born, I've been struggling with re-naming my blog. I've been writing for almost three years and never thought in the long run I'd ben sitting here still writing with four children. Especially when number four popped out as a girl.
I've decided to rename my blog. I've been struggling with a name for awhile. I write mostly about the kids, but I do write about myself and the on goings of our family life in general. The new blog name is
My Imperfect Family
I thought it was aptly appropriate. I'm not perfect, my husband's not perfect, and my kids are far from perfect. We mess up, pull up our boot straps and try to do better next time. That's life.
I've decided to rename my blog. I've been struggling with a name for awhile. I write mostly about the kids, but I do write about myself and the on goings of our family life in general. The new blog name is
My Imperfect Family
I thought it was aptly appropriate. I'm not perfect, my husband's not perfect, and my kids are far from perfect. We mess up, pull up our boot straps and try to do better next time. That's life.
Monday, August 11, 2014
You know you live in Texas when...
Longhorns mysteriously appear in your front yard. And when you call Animal Control, it's no big deal because they already contact the rancher.
Yes, this happened.
The Longhorns had already moved to my neighbors yard by the time I grabbed my camera. They did hang out in my yard for a little while. Andrew was mowing the yard, and when he came back from the back they had appeared.
Yes, this happened.
The Longhorns had already moved to my neighbors yard by the time I grabbed my camera. They did hang out in my yard for a little while. Andrew was mowing the yard, and when he came back from the back they had appeared.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Grabbed the Camera instead
Sawyer was out of my sight for two minutes, and this is what happens. I'm going to have to keep an eye on this boy when he gets older.
Count this as Bad Mom Moment #203 (not that I'm keeping count or anything)
Count this as Bad Mom Moment #203 (not that I'm keeping count or anything)
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Throwback Thursday: Does anyone look like me?
I've been told by several people that none of my kids look anything like me. Of course, I have mostly boys so they are going to favor their father, but I'm not completely lost in there. Andrew is pretty insistent Cassidy is a mini me.
What do you think? Any of my kids look like me? This is me around 18 months old.
All three boys at 18 months.
And Cassidy now.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Before & After Haircuts
All three boys haven't had a haircut since April or May. I can't even remember; it's been that long. After watching Cullen sweep hair out of his eye, seeing Jackson look like a shaggy dog, and watching Sawyer tilt his head up to look under his bangs, I finally decided to take them for hair cuts. When I asked Jackson and Cullen if they wanted to get their hair cut today, the response was overwhelmingly enthusiastic. It might have been a bad mom moment to not have their hair cuts for months over the summer, but oh well.
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