" Oh my gosh, you're kids are so cute!" random stranger at any store I'm at lately.
"Thank you," - Me
"Are they twins?"
"No, they're just close in age."
"Oh, are they all yours?
"Yes, they are."
And... begin uncomfortable silence.
I've had this line of questioning at least a dozen times in the past two weeks. I'm not coming close to exaggerating either.
Why is it random strange people feel they need their questions answered when they see me out with all my kids. I got stopped by a guy in a parking lot who rolled down his window as he was backing up and asked. Who does that people?!
I've gotten so used to this it doesn't even phase me anymore. The answers automatically come out of my mouth without any thought whatsoever. The age question has never bothered me. Never. I had my kids close together, and I wouldn't change it for the world. I think of it as a blessing because they have built in playmates!
But what irritates me is people feel the need to ask if they're all mine. Would you ask that of a person with one kid or two kids or three? No, probably not. But because I have 4 walking around with me who are obviously closer in age that what's 'normal',and I don't exactly look my age or a decade older , it's ok for you to ask me if my kids are all mine.
No, it is never okay. It's flat out rude.
I love my large family. I do not care what others may think of me. Hell, if you think I got knocked up in high school, that's great! It means I look a decade younger than I am. I'll take that compliment! But don't ever ask me if they're all mine.
Where did basic manners run off to? Stop being rude people!
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