" Oh my gosh, you're kids are so cute!" random stranger at any store I'm at lately.
"Thank you," - Me
"Are they twins?"
"No, they're just close in age."
"Oh, are they all yours?
"Yes, they are."
And... begin uncomfortable silence.
I've had this line of questioning at least a dozen times in the past two weeks. I'm not coming close to exaggerating either.
Why is it random strange people feel they need their questions answered when they see me out with all my kids. I got stopped by a guy in a parking lot who rolled down his window as he was backing up and asked. Who does that people?!
I've gotten so used to this it doesn't even phase me anymore. The answers automatically come out of my mouth without any thought whatsoever. The age question has never bothered me. Never. I had my kids close together, and I wouldn't change it for the world. I think of it as a blessing because they have built in playmates!
But what irritates me is people feel the need to ask if they're all mine. Would you ask that of a person with one kid or two kids or three? No, probably not. But because I have 4 walking around with me who are obviously closer in age that what's 'normal',and I don't exactly look my age or a decade older , it's ok for you to ask me if my kids are all mine.
No, it is never okay. It's flat out rude.
I love my large family. I do not care what others may think of me. Hell, if you think I got knocked up in high school, that's great! It means I look a decade younger than I am. I'll take that compliment! But don't ever ask me if they're all mine.
Where did basic manners run off to? Stop being rude people!
Friday, August 7, 2015
Friday, July 31, 2015
Earning Money
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Cullen vacuuming the back. |
Upon completing the section, Jackson asked me if he could have some money. To which I replied, "Money is not given. It's earned."
"How do you earn money?"
"You have to work for it. You do a job and earn money."
"Can I get a job to earn money? How can I earn it?"
So I thought about it for a minute. I don't want to pay him to complete chores around the house. Chores are part of living in our house. No one gets paid to clean their own toilet or pick up their rooms. It's expected, therefore I don't feel it necessary to pay him for it.

"How much will I earn?" my savy negotiator asked.
"50 cents."
My reasoning behind picking my car is this 1) It's my car. Technically, it's my responsibility to keep it clean. 2) Jackson and his brothers are the main reason it's dirty. And 3) It's not too complicated but is work nonetheless.
The next morning, Jackson set out to clean my car. He picked up all the trash, find objects I didn't even know were in there, dusted it, coated it in Armor All (as good as a 6 year old can), and vacuumed the floors and mats. Cullen helped with the trash removal and vacuuming to earn 25 cents. Of course, I supervised and made him redo things he didn't do correctly the first time while saying, "If you're going to do something, do it right the first time."
Now Jackson is excited because he earned 50 cents and has the opportunity to earn another 50 cents by cleaning Andrew's car.
I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing, but I'm hoping these small lessons will go a long way in the future.
Friday, July 17, 2015
She told her brother, "NO!"
You know those moments as a parent that as soon as it happens you think, "I'm going to remember that forever." Maybe it's because the kids to something cute, funny, or tried to kill themselves and you're stomach dropped to your feet as you prevented it.
I had one of those moments this morning.
I was unloading the kids from the car to bring Cullen and Sawyer into preschool. I unloaded Cassidy first since she's right behind, then proceeded around the car to let the two in the back out. I put Cassidy down while I was fighting with the seats and unbuckling Sawyer. Cassidy decided to be a typical 16 month old and run into the parking lot.
Of all the parking lots Cassidy could run into, the preschool lot is by far the best choice. You have parents of young children driving around who are more vigilant than normal. Plus when I drop off the kids, the parking lot is fairly empty.
Off she goes running and laughing, I asked Jackson to go get her and bring her back to the car. He did and was holding her hand so she didn't run off again. As I'm helping Sawyer put his backpack on, I see Cassidy fighting to get her arm free of Jackson's grip. Then it happened.
"NO!" she screamed at him. And the look on her face was priceless. She was frowning and fuming at the same time because she wasn't getting her way.
"She just said no," was my ingenious reply. Which was confirmed by Jackson trying who them proceeded to try to get her to say it again.
I just started laughing!
I knew I would never forget that moment for two very important reasons.
1) Cassidy said no and knew exactly what she was saying and doing.
2) I know that face she made. I know it down to my bones because it had me written all over it. The frown, the unhappiness, the pissed off look she gave her brother. I patented that looks as a child and improved and perfected that look as an adult. Oh Lord! She might have my personality. That'll be interesting come later on in life.
Seems Miss Cassidy is developing her independent personality. And being pushed around by her brothers is not what she is all about.
I had one of those moments this morning.
I was unloading the kids from the car to bring Cullen and Sawyer into preschool. I unloaded Cassidy first since she's right behind, then proceeded around the car to let the two in the back out. I put Cassidy down while I was fighting with the seats and unbuckling Sawyer. Cassidy decided to be a typical 16 month old and run into the parking lot.
Of all the parking lots Cassidy could run into, the preschool lot is by far the best choice. You have parents of young children driving around who are more vigilant than normal. Plus when I drop off the kids, the parking lot is fairly empty.
Off she goes running and laughing, I asked Jackson to go get her and bring her back to the car. He did and was holding her hand so she didn't run off again. As I'm helping Sawyer put his backpack on, I see Cassidy fighting to get her arm free of Jackson's grip. Then it happened.
"NO!" she screamed at him. And the look on her face was priceless. She was frowning and fuming at the same time because she wasn't getting her way.
"She just said no," was my ingenious reply. Which was confirmed by Jackson trying who them proceeded to try to get her to say it again.
I just started laughing!
I knew I would never forget that moment for two very important reasons.
1) Cassidy said no and knew exactly what she was saying and doing.
2) I know that face she made. I know it down to my bones because it had me written all over it. The frown, the unhappiness, the pissed off look she gave her brother. I patented that looks as a child and improved and perfected that look as an adult. Oh Lord! She might have my personality. That'll be interesting come later on in life.
Seems Miss Cassidy is developing her independent personality. And being pushed around by her brothers is not what she is all about.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Blog Neglect and a Crazy Summer
I've completely been neglecting my blog. My only excuse is how busy I have been lately. I'm not talking about 'Oh, it's summer and I want to spend every waking moment at the pool' crazy. I have a special kind of crazy.
It's call the summer from hell crazy. And it's not even the fun kind.
June was the worst. Jackson got sick, then Cassidy got sick. Cullen and Sawyer both came down with ear infections. And Cassidy then graced us with pink eye.
Then I got sick. On Father's Day, I woke up with my throat on fire. I can't even explain had bad I felt about being sick on Father's Day. It didn't get any better for the rest of the week. Two days later, I woke up with pink. I can't even tell you how long it's been since I've had pink eye. I had to have been in elementary school. I looked like Darth Maul for 3 days sans the makeup. I felt as though my eyes were constantly being scraped with sand paper. On top of that, I had to bleach my entire house while sick. I had to go to the urgent care clinic to get antibiotic drops. The Dr. then saw my throat and all the crap that came out of it decided to put me on oral antibiotics too. He said I had an upper respiratory infection and a good possibility of having strep throat as well. I was loaded up on pharmaceutical meds and OTC meds.
The sickness knocked me down for almost two weeks. Andrew and my mom were life savers with helping pick up the slack with the kids. I still had to take them to swim lessons and Tae Kwon Do, but my mom was nice enough to take Jackson to Vacation Bible School.
Since June is finally over, I was looking forward to July calming down. That didn't happen. July is just as busy, minus the illnesses.
Jackson is finishing up swim lessons tomorrow. Cullen and Sawyer are at preschool until the end of the month, and Cassidy is being taken everywhere her brothers go. Tae Kwon Do lessons are still in full swing. The boys are earning their stripes on their white belts. Sawyer really wants to join a class, but he's still too young. He patiently sits and waits very closely watching his brothers' classes. He even practices at home with them. It's quite cute!
It's crazy to think it is mid July. I was hoping summer would be fun with no school schedules, but I swear I've been busier now than when school is going.
And on a side note, I've launched my photography website at Emily Ingalls Photography. I have a Facebook Page too! Give me a Like if you get a chance! I feel so official and professional. I'll keep you updated on what my plan is. It's still a work in progress, but I'm just happy I'm making progress!
To a little slower summer and no one else becoming sick!
It's call the summer from hell crazy. And it's not even the fun kind.
June was the worst. Jackson got sick, then Cassidy got sick. Cullen and Sawyer both came down with ear infections. And Cassidy then graced us with pink eye.
Then I got sick. On Father's Day, I woke up with my throat on fire. I can't even explain had bad I felt about being sick on Father's Day. It didn't get any better for the rest of the week. Two days later, I woke up with pink. I can't even tell you how long it's been since I've had pink eye. I had to have been in elementary school. I looked like Darth Maul for 3 days sans the makeup. I felt as though my eyes were constantly being scraped with sand paper. On top of that, I had to bleach my entire house while sick. I had to go to the urgent care clinic to get antibiotic drops. The Dr. then saw my throat and all the crap that came out of it decided to put me on oral antibiotics too. He said I had an upper respiratory infection and a good possibility of having strep throat as well. I was loaded up on pharmaceutical meds and OTC meds.
The sickness knocked me down for almost two weeks. Andrew and my mom were life savers with helping pick up the slack with the kids. I still had to take them to swim lessons and Tae Kwon Do, but my mom was nice enough to take Jackson to Vacation Bible School.
Since June is finally over, I was looking forward to July calming down. That didn't happen. July is just as busy, minus the illnesses.
Jackson is finishing up swim lessons tomorrow. Cullen and Sawyer are at preschool until the end of the month, and Cassidy is being taken everywhere her brothers go. Tae Kwon Do lessons are still in full swing. The boys are earning their stripes on their white belts. Sawyer really wants to join a class, but he's still too young. He patiently sits and waits very closely watching his brothers' classes. He even practices at home with them. It's quite cute!
It's crazy to think it is mid July. I was hoping summer would be fun with no school schedules, but I swear I've been busier now than when school is going.
And on a side note, I've launched my photography website at Emily Ingalls Photography. I have a Facebook Page too! Give me a Like if you get a chance! I feel so official and professional. I'll keep you updated on what my plan is. It's still a work in progress, but I'm just happy I'm making progress!
To a little slower summer and no one else becoming sick!
Friday, June 19, 2015
Rough Start to Summer
So you know the feelings you get right before summer starts? The anticipation of sleeping in. The joy of not having a strict schedule to comply with. The happiness of knowing the stress level recedes by a multiplier of 10 in the summer. You know what I'm talking about?
Yea, those feelings blew up in my face starting last week.
The summer is supposed to be easier... right? So far, not mine.
I'll start at the beginning. First week, Jackson gets sick. He starts showing the signs of a cold and Conjunctivitis Sunday afternoon. Monday morning, he wakes up with full blown pink eye and a fever of 101.5. Off to the pediatrician we go. We get some antibiotics for his eye, and I'm told to bring him back if his throat starts hurting him. Thursday rolls around, Jackson's pink eye is looking better, but he's been running a fever all week and now decides to tell me his throat hurts. Friday morning, Andrew brings him back to the doctor's office so they can run a strep culture (which thankfully came back negative). Now, he developed a nasty cough Wednesday, still has fever Friday morning, and I've had a sick kid all week. Yea (written with sarcasm font). His fever finally breaks Friday, but he's still slow and go the next weekend.
This royally screwed up all my careful planning. Jackson was supposed to start swim lessons that Monday morning, but I wasn't about to let him go infect other children. I had to call our Parks and Recreation office and transfer him to a later class in the summer. Then, he was supposed to have a dental check up that week. I had to call and reschedule that appointment as well.
On top of all of this, Cassidy had her well check the first week. Sawyer's glasses came. Cullen started swim lessons in the evenings, and Jackson and Cullen have started taking Tae Kwon Do lessons. I'm running a tight ship with classes, doctor's appointments, random sicknesses, plus every day stuff which needs to be done.
This whole idea of relaxing and having a less frantic schedule has avoided me. I'm busier now than I was during the school year! This is nuts!
I'm hoping things will calm down now. Jackson is better (although upset his swim lessons had to be moved). He'll be attending Vacation Bible School at our church next week. Cullen and Sawyer are attending summer preschool for June and July. Cassidy is along for the ride most of the time.
So all good plans must come to and end. Mine just crash, explode, and burn to smithereens!
Yea, those feelings blew up in my face starting last week.
The summer is supposed to be easier... right? So far, not mine.
I'll start at the beginning. First week, Jackson gets sick. He starts showing the signs of a cold and Conjunctivitis Sunday afternoon. Monday morning, he wakes up with full blown pink eye and a fever of 101.5. Off to the pediatrician we go. We get some antibiotics for his eye, and I'm told to bring him back if his throat starts hurting him. Thursday rolls around, Jackson's pink eye is looking better, but he's been running a fever all week and now decides to tell me his throat hurts. Friday morning, Andrew brings him back to the doctor's office so they can run a strep culture (which thankfully came back negative). Now, he developed a nasty cough Wednesday, still has fever Friday morning, and I've had a sick kid all week. Yea (written with sarcasm font). His fever finally breaks Friday, but he's still slow and go the next weekend.
This royally screwed up all my careful planning. Jackson was supposed to start swim lessons that Monday morning, but I wasn't about to let him go infect other children. I had to call our Parks and Recreation office and transfer him to a later class in the summer. Then, he was supposed to have a dental check up that week. I had to call and reschedule that appointment as well.
On top of all of this, Cassidy had her well check the first week. Sawyer's glasses came. Cullen started swim lessons in the evenings, and Jackson and Cullen have started taking Tae Kwon Do lessons. I'm running a tight ship with classes, doctor's appointments, random sicknesses, plus every day stuff which needs to be done.
This whole idea of relaxing and having a less frantic schedule has avoided me. I'm busier now than I was during the school year! This is nuts!
I'm hoping things will calm down now. Jackson is better (although upset his swim lessons had to be moved). He'll be attending Vacation Bible School at our church next week. Cullen and Sawyer are attending summer preschool for June and July. Cassidy is along for the ride most of the time.
So all good plans must come to and end. Mine just crash, explode, and burn to smithereens!
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Back in Glasses
Sawyer is back wearing glasses. He hasn't needed glasses since his eye surgery when he was 9 months old.
To catch everyone up, Sawyer was diagnosed with Strabismus at 4 months old. Strabismus is also more commonly known as being cross-eyed or wall-eyed. The muscles which normally hold your eyes straight, do not hold his eyes straight. In Sawyer's case, his eye muscles pull his eyes towards his nose.
Sawyer went in for his eye check up, and we voiced our concerns and observations to his Pediatric Ophthalmologist. We had been seeing his eye drift back inwards for a few months. Since he still has control over the eye muscles and can correct it, his doctor suggested he be put back in glasses to help train the eye muscles to stay straight. Hence, Sawyer is back in glasses.
I'll be honest. It completely breaks my heart. Yes, he looks adorable wearing his glasses. I'm mainly worried about other kids picking on him when he gets older. We all know how cruel children can be. I was called names when I wore glasses by some kids, and you only learn later in life that those kids were putting you down to make themselves feel better. At the time, you just felt horrible. No kid should be put down especially when wearing glasses to be able to see correctly. That's my biggest concern. I know it's a long ways off, but I can't help thing about it. Fingers crossed, that will not happen.
I present... Sawyer in his new glasses!
To catch everyone up, Sawyer was diagnosed with Strabismus at 4 months old. Strabismus is also more commonly known as being cross-eyed or wall-eyed. The muscles which normally hold your eyes straight, do not hold his eyes straight. In Sawyer's case, his eye muscles pull his eyes towards his nose.
Sawyer went in for his eye check up, and we voiced our concerns and observations to his Pediatric Ophthalmologist. We had been seeing his eye drift back inwards for a few months. Since he still has control over the eye muscles and can correct it, his doctor suggested he be put back in glasses to help train the eye muscles to stay straight. Hence, Sawyer is back in glasses.
I'll be honest. It completely breaks my heart. Yes, he looks adorable wearing his glasses. I'm mainly worried about other kids picking on him when he gets older. We all know how cruel children can be. I was called names when I wore glasses by some kids, and you only learn later in life that those kids were putting you down to make themselves feel better. At the time, you just felt horrible. No kid should be put down especially when wearing glasses to be able to see correctly. That's my biggest concern. I know it's a long ways off, but I can't help thing about it. Fingers crossed, that will not happen.
I present... Sawyer in his new glasses!
Friday, June 5, 2015
Kindergarten Promotion and Last Day of School
Jackson is officially a First Grader! His last day of school is today, and he had his Kindergarten Promotion ceremony yesterday morning. It was cute (and short!). Summer is here! (We'll see if I survive!)
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This has got to be my favorite photo of the day! Their faces! |
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That would be mine sitting cross legged with his fingers in his mouth. |
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Jackson 6th Birthday
Jackson's 6th birthday was this past weekend. I started a tradition last year with my kids of photographing their lives on their birthday. I hope one day they'll be able to look back on them with nostalgia and see how much their lives have evolved and changed throughout the years.
In the meantime, Happy Birthday Jackson! We love you!
In the meantime, Happy Birthday Jackson! We love you!
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He asked for chocolate chip muffins for breakfast, so we baked and added a candle. |
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It was a Lego kind of birthday |
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Star Wars and Legos, you can't really go wrong. |
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It'll still be awhile before he outgrows Dad. |
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He'll out grow me in a few years. |
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Building Legos (do you see a theme?) |
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Acting goofy with his brother at GiGi and Grandpa's house. |
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Grandpa cooked ribs for dinner. They were good! |
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Central Texas Rain
Memorial Day weekend, we received a record amount of rain in Central Texas. We had multiple tornado touchdowns. We had significant flash flooding which devastated several areas including Wimberley, San Marcos, Bastrop, and Austin. Lake Travis rose over 20 feet in 7 days and will continue to rise this week.
Round Rock had significant flash flooding with several road closures. We ended up bunking out in our master bedroom closet as we were put under a tornado warning for a little while. Luckily, it died out right as it came over us, and we are very grateful. It's estimated we received 9 inches of rain, but it wouldn't surprise me if we received more. The storm was very slow moving which means it sat over our area for a significant amount of time.
Our house (and our street) sit at the lowest point of our neighborhood. We have a culvert directly behind our backyard which flows into a flooding area and nearby Brushy Creek. Brushy Creek (which has been relatively dry from a drought for years) over flowed its banks yesterday.
Our backyard has a French drain behind the garage. It acts as a drain for several houses in our neighborhood. We are used to the backyard pooling with water during heavy rains as the flow comes from our neighbors houses as well, and the drain becomes overwhelmed with the flow (hence the pooling). Because of the insane amount of rain yesterday, we experienced significant flooding in our backyard, front yard, and the street was flooded. One of our neighbors fences was knocked out. Andrew had to go out and help another neighbor (during the storm) by putting mulch bags in front of his door because the water was starting to come in his house. It was insane, crazy. Words can't properly describe the events we saw.
I took these pictures of our backyard and front yard. The first pictures show the initial flooding, then it receded a bit. The latter pictures show the large surge we received. Luckily, our house was safe and just about 1-2 inches got in the front of the garage. We're lucky, but many people weren't in our area. Please keep us in your prayers as we are expected to see even more rain this week.
Round Rock had significant flash flooding with several road closures. We ended up bunking out in our master bedroom closet as we were put under a tornado warning for a little while. Luckily, it died out right as it came over us, and we are very grateful. It's estimated we received 9 inches of rain, but it wouldn't surprise me if we received more. The storm was very slow moving which means it sat over our area for a significant amount of time.
Our house (and our street) sit at the lowest point of our neighborhood. We have a culvert directly behind our backyard which flows into a flooding area and nearby Brushy Creek. Brushy Creek (which has been relatively dry from a drought for years) over flowed its banks yesterday.
Our backyard has a French drain behind the garage. It acts as a drain for several houses in our neighborhood. We are used to the backyard pooling with water during heavy rains as the flow comes from our neighbors houses as well, and the drain becomes overwhelmed with the flow (hence the pooling). Because of the insane amount of rain yesterday, we experienced significant flooding in our backyard, front yard, and the street was flooded. One of our neighbors fences was knocked out. Andrew had to go out and help another neighbor (during the storm) by putting mulch bags in front of his door because the water was starting to come in his house. It was insane, crazy. Words can't properly describe the events we saw.
I took these pictures of our backyard and front yard. The first pictures show the initial flooding, then it receded a bit. The latter pictures show the large surge we received. Luckily, our house was safe and just about 1-2 inches got in the front of the garage. We're lucky, but many people weren't in our area. Please keep us in your prayers as we are expected to see even more rain this week.
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This is a view of our neighbors yard and the flow we are receiving from several houses |
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This was the worst of it. It started overflowing into the yard behind use and flooded their yard |
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That's our garage to the left |
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I took this from our front door. |
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After all the rain and water receded, we were lucky enough to have a gorgeous sunset! |
Monday, May 18, 2015
Last Day of Preschool
Today was the last day of preschool for Cullen and Sawyer. I can't believe it's that time of year already! This year has flown by so quickly. Cullen finished up his 3 year old class and will be entering Pre-K next year. Sawyer will be moving up to the 2 year old class next year.
This time is bittersweet. I love the fact my kids are growing and becoming more independent. However, it is sad they are taking another step closer to becoming 'big boys'.
Here are a few First and Last Day of Preschool pictures to show how much they've grown since September.
This time is bittersweet. I love the fact my kids are growing and becoming more independent. However, it is sad they are taking another step closer to becoming 'big boys'.
Here are a few First and Last Day of Preschool pictures to show how much they've grown since September.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Viva La Mexico!
Two weeks ago today, Andrew and I left for a week vacation in Riveria Maya, Mexico. It's the first adults only vacation we have taken in 4 years (yes, I agree we should be doing this more often).
We had a blast! We stayed at an all inclusive resort with a swim up pool room. We relaxed on the beach and swam in the ocean. Andrew swam; I just waded in the water. We read books in a little beachside cabana with drinks delivered to us. We wined and dined. Basically, we were two adults having a good time without children around. Matt and Ben met us down there for the first weekend. The four of us tore it up on the beach and at the tiki bar!
All in all, we enjoyed spending one on one time with each other that comes to us so rarely these days.
Here are some pictures from our resort in Mexico. I'm still going through most of them.
We had a blast! We stayed at an all inclusive resort with a swim up pool room. We relaxed on the beach and swam in the ocean. Andrew swam; I just waded in the water. We read books in a little beachside cabana with drinks delivered to us. We wined and dined. Basically, we were two adults having a good time without children around. Matt and Ben met us down there for the first weekend. The four of us tore it up on the beach and at the tiki bar!
All in all, we enjoyed spending one on one time with each other that comes to us so rarely these days.
Here are some pictures from our resort in Mexico. I'm still going through most of them.
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Beach and Cabanas during sunset |
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Someone was having a special dinner for two on the beach |
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Beach at sunset |
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View as soon as you walked out our sliding glass door. |
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Our room is directly to the right |
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Pier at night |
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Live Band warming up |
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Pier |
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A Pier on the beach |
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Wednesday night was a Mexican Party night! |
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