I love my brother, Matt. He's a great brother, friend and uncle. I was talking to him on the phone last night for our weekly catch up chats when Andrew reminded me of something.
All weekend Jackson wanted to talk to Uncle Matt. Quick background for understanding:
1) I don't live in the same city as Matt.
2) My brother's job is not a 9-5 kind of deal. Crazy and unorthodox hours included.
3) After Matt visited about a month ago, I have heard Jackson say every day, "Uncle Matt is at home in (insert city)."
Andrew reminded me Jackson had wanted to call Uncle Matt all weekend and talk to him. With my brother's crazy hours, I told Jackson it wasn't possible at the time.
On Sunday morning, Jackson had a complete meltdown about not being able to speak to Uncle Matt after handing me the phone. This was a full on crying with real tears, a beet red face, and slumping to the floor meltdown. After calming Jackson down and explaining to him it wasn't possible to call Uncle Matt at 8am in the morning, we resumed our normal routine.
It didn't dawn on me to tell Matt this until Andrew reminded me. I told Matt about the request and ensueing meltdown on the phone last night. Being the awesome uncle he is, Matt said Jackson could call him any time and even if he couldn't talk right then, he would call him back. How awesome is that!
Matt truly is the Best Uncle Ever!
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