Tuesday, December 13, 2011


It has been slightly crazy around my house lately.  I haven't had time to write because of baking, kids, shopping, and wrapping presents.  Here is a quick taste of my craziness...

1)  There are no Christmas tree ornaments on the bottom two feet of my tree.  This is because of little hands ripping ornaments and then hurdling them across the room like a baseball.  Or pulling them apart until they are so mangled I can't fix them.  Fortunately all broken ornaments have been plastic balls that can easily be replaced.  If they mess with any of my Hallmark ornaments, they might experience Mommy's wrath.

2)  We've been cooped up in the house for a few days too long because of the weather lately.  Its been cold, misty, rainy, or a combination of the previous.  The kids have been running around like banshees.  Jackson has been trying to constantly tackle something, whether it be a piece of furniture, Cullen or me.

3)  I am done all Christmas shopping except for my husband and the boys.  The packages got mailed off today.  I'm quite proud of myself!  Now for coming up with an idea on what to get Andrew.  You think being married to him it would get easier but no.  It just gets harder every year.

4)  Thibie got sick twice last week which meant two trips to the vet.  She keeps eating food she's not supposed to eat.  She has horrible food allergies.  Luckily, I have an awesome vet, and we were in and out.  Now to get Thibie to stop taking the boys' food.  Mea is not innocent in this either.  I swear they are like the caped crusaders when left by themselves.

5)  Cullen has been teething molars (which still haven't broken through).  He's been cranky to say the least.

6)  And to end on a funny note, I was playing with Jackson and chasing him around the house.  I was pulling a  Risky Business and sliding on the wood floor.  After doing this several times, I underestimated how fast I was going.  I slammed into the floor and totally ate it!  No injuries other than a bruised ego, but I couldn't stop laughing at myself to get up off the floor.  Jackson ran to me and asked me if I was all right.  Isn't he sweet?!  After I pried myself up off the floor, we went back at it.

To another crazy week in my household!

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