Yesterday, Andrew reminded me of a funny moment we had awhile back. He suggested I put it on the blog even though it does not put either of us in the best of light. So per Andrew's suggestion (I heavily mention yet again this is Andrew's idea), here it is.
About a month before Cullen was born (Cullen is 15 going on 16 months old now), I bought an additional Diaper Genie II. Jackson was only 16 months old, and I knew he would be in diapers for awhile longer. It only made sense to have two Diaper Genies.
A few days later, Andrew was taking it out of the box and putting a bag in it. Notice it was a few days later, we were not exactly stressed about baby #2 for some unknown reason. Poor Cullen hardly had a room ready by the time he was born. Oh well, he turned out just fine (so far).
So, Andrew is doing this and I hear him say, "Oh, so that's what it's for!"
I meander my 8 month pregnant self back to Cullen's room to figure out what that statement was about. Andrew looks at me saying, "Did you know there was a cutter on the Diaper Genie?"
"Nope," I respond.
He points to this small out lying piece of plastic that says "Cutter" on it. I look at it as if it miraculously grew an arm over night.
"I wonder if there's one on Jackson's," Andrew says. He makes his way into Jackson's room, over to the Diaper Genie, and opens it up to look.
Of course, Jackson's Diaper Genie doesn't say 'Cutter.' It actually has a picture of scissors on it. Andrew and I look at each other completely dumbfounded.
"You mean there has been a cutter there this whole time and neither one of knew this. I mean it is a picture of scissors. How could we not figure this out?" I said.
"I don't know," responds Andrew.
After looking at each other for a few seconds (which felt like minutes or hours), we both just started laughing at our stupidity. For 16 months, we emptied it the hard way.
We finally stopped laughing and started using this amazing invention already (apparently) installed on every Diaper Genie called a cutter.
Hey, at least we figured it out before both boys were out of diapers! That has to count for something. Doesn't it? Right?! I say it counts!
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