I was just putting all the clean dishes away and cleaning the dirty dishes. I had the dishwasher open for easy access. Cullen was pulling out a few spoons and forks which happens all the time whenever the dishwasher is open.
I'm finishing up the last pan when I hear Cullen pull dishes out. I glance over and see he has a dinner plate in each hand. My first thought was, "This is not going to turn out well." I just had a gut feeling. He's done this before especially when he 'helps' unload the dishwasher. So, I see a dinner plate in each hand and am vehemently telling him no and to put them down. This gets a giggle and smile out of him while bringing the plates up higher in the air.
My hands are soaking wet with soap and water. I go to throw the pan and sponge in my hands in the sink when I hear the inevitable. The sound of a dinner plate hitting the tile floor and breaking.
I see Cullen standing in the middle of a broken plate not quite sure what has happened, and then try to walk away from it. I grab and pick up Cullen removing him from the immediate threat of broken porcelain. I put him down to look at the bottom of his feet and see shards from the plate. To the bathroom we go! Rinsed off his feet, then went to go clean up.
As I'm cleaning up the kitchen, I hear Cullen playing in the bathroom and the toilet flush. I go to check on him on my way to get the vacuum. I find he has pulled out all of Jackson's toddler wipes and put them in the toilet bowl. Good times!
After cleaning up the broken dinner plate and the bathroom mess, I realize I'm not angry. I don't care about the dinner plate or the toddler wipes. Those can be replaced. As long as Cullen wasn't cut and doesn't attempt another daring weight lifting attempt, the mess doesn't bother me. Funny how my mind has completely shifted after having kids. As long as they are okay, everything else can be replaced. Although, I'm terminating Cullen's 'attempts' at helping for awhile.
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