Jackson and Cullen can't just play with mulch and dirt in the grass. Oh no because that would be too easy! They have to shovel some into a bucket, dump it out onto my back porch, and play with it there.
At least the outside temperature was bearable this morning with a breeze. With the A/C going out upstairs and temperatures reaching 109 and 106 the past few days, I wasn't sweating my butt off while in the shade. It's definitely summer time now!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
What!? I'm not doing anything!
For future reference Cullen, just because you close the door to the pantry, does not mean I won't catch you standing on the dog food eating a granola bar inside of said pantry. And I'm still not sure how he got the granola bar open by himself. And I had already given him a snack! Sneaky boy!
"I'm innocent. I swear!" |
Monday, June 25, 2012
My Little Commentator
This past weekend the Olympic Diving trials were played on TV. I decided it would be a good thing to watch while the boys were playing with their cars and Legos. We watched both the platform and spring board diving.
After a few minutes of watching men dive, Jackson was completely enthralled. He just seemed to be mesmerized by it. A few more minutes later, Jackson decided to become a diver and took off all of his clothes except for his underwear. Why you make ask? Because divers wear Speedos, and he was going to be a diver.
After the disrobing, he started to jump off of furniture and pretend he was diving in the water. Not only that, he started commenting on all the dives. Saying, "Look Mommy, he's jumping. Ooh! He twisting. He's jumping into the big pool!" And my favorite, "Yeah! WooHoo!" when the divers would finally splash in the water. This all came with huge arm movments, much pointing, and of course clapping and fist pumps.
I couldn't stop smiling and laughing at him. Jackson was just having a ball. He even would try a handstand when the divers would dive off of the platforms in one. It was quite an amusing experience! Cullen even got into it and started pointing, oohing and aahing, and clapping.
It will be interesting how he responds to the swimming trials which are supposed to air tonight. I'm hoping I won't have to wrestle him back into his clothes once they're done. I just might have to make bath time right afterward.
After a few minutes of watching men dive, Jackson was completely enthralled. He just seemed to be mesmerized by it. A few more minutes later, Jackson decided to become a diver and took off all of his clothes except for his underwear. Why you make ask? Because divers wear Speedos, and he was going to be a diver.
After the disrobing, he started to jump off of furniture and pretend he was diving in the water. Not only that, he started commenting on all the dives. Saying, "Look Mommy, he's jumping. Ooh! He twisting. He's jumping into the big pool!" And my favorite, "Yeah! WooHoo!" when the divers would finally splash in the water. This all came with huge arm movments, much pointing, and of course clapping and fist pumps.
I couldn't stop smiling and laughing at him. Jackson was just having a ball. He even would try a handstand when the divers would dive off of the platforms in one. It was quite an amusing experience! Cullen even got into it and started pointing, oohing and aahing, and clapping.
It will be interesting how he responds to the swimming trials which are supposed to air tonight. I'm hoping I won't have to wrestle him back into his clothes once they're done. I just might have to make bath time right afterward.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Play time!
Jackson and Cullen thought of this all on their own. I only found out because they brought it out into the living room to play with. Yeehaw!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Flag Day 2012
Be proud of the American Flag and all it stands for. And be proud of all the men and women who serve us under the flag for they keep our freedoms possible. Happy Flag Day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
How do I respond to this?
I've been debating on whether to post this tidbit for a little while now. Honestly to me, it's just too funny not to post. This happened as I was helping Jackson back into his underwear and shorts after he just used the potty.
Jackson tells me while pointing, "Mom, this is my penis."
"Yes, it is," I replied
"Look Mom! My penis is big!" Jackson responds with great pride. He then looks up at me with the biggest smile on his face.
"Okay," I said while trying to suppress a laugh.
Seriously! How do I respond to something like that from him?! I had about a million sarcastic comments float through my head.
I'm so glad Jackson has pride in such things, but I sure as hell hope he doesn't point that out to his teacher at school! I can only imagine that conversation.
Jackson tells me while pointing, "Mom, this is my penis."
"Yes, it is," I replied
"Look Mom! My penis is big!" Jackson responds with great pride. He then looks up at me with the biggest smile on his face.
"Okay," I said while trying to suppress a laugh.
Seriously! How do I respond to something like that from him?! I had about a million sarcastic comments float through my head.
I'm so glad Jackson has pride in such things, but I sure as hell hope he doesn't point that out to his teacher at school! I can only imagine that conversation.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Where is your brother?
I was upstairs with the boys. I had pulled them out of the guest room because I caught them jumping on the bed. Again.
They were happily jumping off a small set of stairs. Jackson from the third, and Cullen from the bottom. Oh yes, Cullen is attempting to jump off of everything he sees Jackson jumps off now. This makes things so much fun and exciting!
I had my back turned. It got really quiet after a few minutes. I turned around and saw Jackson at the top of the stairs. I asked him where Cullen was.
Jackson answer, "He's right there," while pointing into an alcove.
My common sense told me to go check it out. Low and behold, Cullen was standing in the attic space upstairs barefoot. Jackson must have opened the door, and Cullen walked right on in.
Our attic door is normally locked for exactly this reason. We did not want to lose a child in it. The attic only has a 4 x 12 ft of walking space and the rest is insulation sloping over part of the house. Plus with it being 100 degrees outside, it's a tad hot in there. Only sauna quality for us!
After retrieving Cullen from the attic, I dutifully locked the door. Quietness in my house is usually not a good thing. And it is yet again proven correct.
They were happily jumping off a small set of stairs. Jackson from the third, and Cullen from the bottom. Oh yes, Cullen is attempting to jump off of everything he sees Jackson jumps off now. This makes things so much fun and exciting!
I had my back turned. It got really quiet after a few minutes. I turned around and saw Jackson at the top of the stairs. I asked him where Cullen was.
Jackson answer, "He's right there," while pointing into an alcove.
My common sense told me to go check it out. Low and behold, Cullen was standing in the attic space upstairs barefoot. Jackson must have opened the door, and Cullen walked right on in.
Our attic door is normally locked for exactly this reason. We did not want to lose a child in it. The attic only has a 4 x 12 ft of walking space and the rest is insulation sloping over part of the house. Plus with it being 100 degrees outside, it's a tad hot in there. Only sauna quality for us!
After retrieving Cullen from the attic, I dutifully locked the door. Quietness in my house is usually not a good thing. And it is yet again proven correct.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Doctors, Preschool, the Pool and Doctors!
It has been an unbelievable crazy week! This is not how I predicted my week would go when I was thinking about it on Sunday.
Monday, Cullen started preschool. There will definitely be a period of adjustment this go around. Cullen is teething his canines and has been for forever (or at least it feels like it). Check that, it has been going on for forever. He's had two break through and two more are on the way. Cullen has always been a difficult teether. It's been many long nights, early mornings, and a cranky toddler for awhile.
Tuesday, Jackson had his 3 year old well check. His stats are
Height - 37 inches, 90%
Weight - 32lb 2 oz, 50-75%
He's healthy and growing which is evident by the amount of food he consumes on a daily basis. The doctor did find something unusually in his private area. He wanted us to go get a ultrasound to make sure it wasn't anything serious. Tuesday afternoon turned into a visit to a radiology place to get Jackson an ultrasound. Overall, he was pretty good during the whole thing. Especially considering it took place during his nap time, and he was exhausted. A couple of hours later, I received a call from his pediatrician telling me Jackson has a cyst. He didn't think it was a problem, but wanted us to see a Pediatric Urologist just to make sure.
Because of the ultrasound, Andrew came home early to help me. After the ultrasound, Andrew and I took the boys down to the pool as a treat. They loved it! It was something we rarely get to do in the middle of the week. It was nice to carve out a little family time.
Wednesday, the boys headed off to preschool while I had my OB appointment. I waited an hour to see the doctor for two minutes. I realize it's busy, but I was extremely glad I decided to bring my Kindle with me. I might have been seriously pissed off if I hadn't had the distraction of a good book. I'm fine and so is the baby. When I picked up Jackson and Cullen, I learned Cullen decided to take a nap a school, a long nap. The teething strikes again! Of course that meant, he didn't take a nap in the afternoon. It made for a long day.
Today, I took Jackson down to the Pediatric Urologist. Everything is fine. They are going to keep an eye on it. As long as it doesn't grow or cause him any pain, it's better just to leave it alone. The official diagnosis is Epididymal Cyst. In 4 months, he'll go for another ultrasound to check it out. After the doctor's appointment, I picked Cullen up from Andrew. Cullen went into work with Andrew this morning and got to play with all the cool toys at Andrew's work. With Cullen in tow, we went to park to blow off all the excess energy.
It's only Thursday, but it sure feels like Friday! Cheers to a relaxing Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! We don't need any more excitement around our house for awhile.
Monday, Cullen started preschool. There will definitely be a period of adjustment this go around. Cullen is teething his canines and has been for forever (or at least it feels like it). Check that, it has been going on for forever. He's had two break through and two more are on the way. Cullen has always been a difficult teether. It's been many long nights, early mornings, and a cranky toddler for awhile.
Tuesday, Jackson had his 3 year old well check. His stats are
Height - 37 inches, 90%
Weight - 32lb 2 oz, 50-75%
He's healthy and growing which is evident by the amount of food he consumes on a daily basis. The doctor did find something unusually in his private area. He wanted us to go get a ultrasound to make sure it wasn't anything serious. Tuesday afternoon turned into a visit to a radiology place to get Jackson an ultrasound. Overall, he was pretty good during the whole thing. Especially considering it took place during his nap time, and he was exhausted. A couple of hours later, I received a call from his pediatrician telling me Jackson has a cyst. He didn't think it was a problem, but wanted us to see a Pediatric Urologist just to make sure.
Because of the ultrasound, Andrew came home early to help me. After the ultrasound, Andrew and I took the boys down to the pool as a treat. They loved it! It was something we rarely get to do in the middle of the week. It was nice to carve out a little family time.
Wednesday, the boys headed off to preschool while I had my OB appointment. I waited an hour to see the doctor for two minutes. I realize it's busy, but I was extremely glad I decided to bring my Kindle with me. I might have been seriously pissed off if I hadn't had the distraction of a good book. I'm fine and so is the baby. When I picked up Jackson and Cullen, I learned Cullen decided to take a nap a school, a long nap. The teething strikes again! Of course that meant, he didn't take a nap in the afternoon. It made for a long day.
Today, I took Jackson down to the Pediatric Urologist. Everything is fine. They are going to keep an eye on it. As long as it doesn't grow or cause him any pain, it's better just to leave it alone. The official diagnosis is Epididymal Cyst. In 4 months, he'll go for another ultrasound to check it out. After the doctor's appointment, I picked Cullen up from Andrew. Cullen went into work with Andrew this morning and got to play with all the cool toys at Andrew's work. With Cullen in tow, we went to park to blow off all the excess energy.
It's only Thursday, but it sure feels like Friday! Cheers to a relaxing Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! We don't need any more excitement around our house for awhile.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Cullen's First Day of Preschool
Cullen had his first day of preschool today. I know dropping him off was definitely harder on me than Jackson's first day. I had more time to think about Cullen's first day than Jackson's. Jackson started preschool 4 days after Cullen was born. I had just gotten home from the hospital with a newborn, was sleep deprived, and my brain was not functioning at top speed. Jackson just needed to start to give me time to spend with the Cullen.
Although it was odd dropping Cullen off at preschool, its a great thing for him. I love the school and teachers. Cullen had a great first day! Although, he was tired by lunch time and exhausted by the time I picked him up. He fell asleep in the car on the ride home.
I got to hear from both Jackson's teacher and Cullen's teacher the antics the boys pulled on each other while outside playing. My boys pull no strings with each other. Jackson was sitting in a car, and Cullen came over opened and closed the car door, then sat on his brother with no qualms. Jackson started screaming, "No Cullen! Get off!" Their teachers thought it was hilarious. I did too. It will be interesting to see how they continue to interact with each other at school.
I went grocery shopping for the first time by myself in 3 years! I swear I did it in half the time it normally takes. The house of a little creepy being so quiet, but it was good for me at the same time. I almost didn't know what to do with myself. I'm sure I'll solve that problem quickly.
Here's Cullen on his first day of preschool!
Although it was odd dropping Cullen off at preschool, its a great thing for him. I love the school and teachers. Cullen had a great first day! Although, he was tired by lunch time and exhausted by the time I picked him up. He fell asleep in the car on the ride home.
I got to hear from both Jackson's teacher and Cullen's teacher the antics the boys pulled on each other while outside playing. My boys pull no strings with each other. Jackson was sitting in a car, and Cullen came over opened and closed the car door, then sat on his brother with no qualms. Jackson started screaming, "No Cullen! Get off!" Their teachers thought it was hilarious. I did too. It will be interesting to see how they continue to interact with each other at school.
I went grocery shopping for the first time by myself in 3 years! I swear I did it in half the time it normally takes. The house of a little creepy being so quiet, but it was good for me at the same time. I almost didn't know what to do with myself. I'm sure I'll solve that problem quickly.
Here's Cullen on his first day of preschool!
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