Cullen had his first day of preschool today. I know dropping him off was definitely harder on me than Jackson's first day. I had more time to think about Cullen's first day than Jackson's. Jackson started preschool 4 days after Cullen was born. I had just gotten home from the hospital with a newborn, was sleep deprived, and my brain was not functioning at top speed. Jackson just needed to start to give me time to spend with the Cullen.
Although it was odd dropping Cullen off at preschool, its a great thing for him. I love the school and teachers. Cullen had a great first day! Although, he was tired by lunch time and exhausted by the time I picked him up. He fell asleep in the car on the ride home.
I got to hear from both Jackson's teacher and Cullen's teacher the antics the boys pulled on each other while outside playing. My boys pull no strings with each other. Jackson was sitting in a car, and Cullen came over opened and closed the car door, then sat on his brother with no qualms. Jackson started screaming, "No Cullen! Get off!" Their teachers thought it was hilarious. I did too. It will be interesting to see how they continue to interact with each other at school.
I went grocery shopping for the first time by myself in 3 years! I swear I did it in half the time it normally takes. The house of a little creepy being so quiet, but it was good for me at the same time. I almost didn't know what to do with myself. I'm sure I'll solve that problem quickly.
Here's Cullen on his first day of preschool!
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