Minus the craziness that is my normal every day life, there is a very good reason I have not been writing a lot lately. I'm 12 weeks pregnant with #4.
After many long discussions between Andrew and I, we decided to add one more to our already growing Ingalls Clan. Not only have I been busy with our three boys, I was battling the perils of my first trimester. No energy and very bad morning sickness has been dragging me down.
Add on top of the sickness and no energy, losing my dog Mea and the stress of Sawyer's eye surgery, I've not had a very easy first trimester. It's been extremely difficult on me this go around. I'm hoping things take a turn for the better soon, but I have a feeling it will be a few more weeks before I get back to feeling within the norm.
Ingalls #4, or Peanut as Andrew likes to call it, is due March 18, 2014.

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