I have never claimed to be the ideal parent. Honestly, I'm just not.
I've lost my temper countless times. I've throw an object across the room because I was so frustrated and needed to release some tension (said object has always hit a wall or piece of furniture). I think I nearly had an aneurysm at some point in time. I threatened to tie my kids down to chairs with bungee cords and duct tape. I never followed through with that threat, but I came really close a few times.
Ideal parent, I am not.
That being said. I believe my family is the only one in the world who has not seen Disney's Frozen. Andrew and I didn't take the kids to see it in the movie theatre. Sorry, but paying $8/ticket for a 4 and 3 year old just seems like a lot to me. I didn't rush out and buy the movie as soon as it came out on Blue Ray/DVD. I've only heard one song from it and only about 30 seconds of it. Andrew and I did eventually order it from Amazon. However, the shipment was delayed 4 days for unknown reasons. The day we had planned on letting the kids watch it; we didn't have the movie.
Apparently, this movie is the end all be all of movies for children. Or at least the current one.
On the way home from preschool on Monday, Jackson asked, "Mom, how come I'm the only child in my class who hasn't seen Frozen?"
Side note, Jackson has been asking about Frozen for awhile. Yes, it's a popular movie and he has heard about it nonstop from kids in his Pre-K class. He even knows a line from a song that I know he's never heard anywhere around Andrew or I.
My answer, "Because I'm a bad parent."
Now do I really believe this is true, yes at least partially. Not when it comes to this situation, but I have my moments. I figured I didn't really have a good enough answer for his question, so I came up with one he wouldn't ask 20 follow up questions too.
Yep, I'm a bad parent, but I found an answer to end discussions I don't want to continue.
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