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Right after we got home from Urgent Care |
Saturday morning, Andrew and I are eating breakfast when we hear the screaming. Andrew runs into the office, and I hear, "Oh no, oh no, oh no. Didn't I tell you not to play with the boxes?!"
Here's what happened. We had a few boxes of Ikea furniture in the front room which were unopened. Both Andrew and I had specifically told the boys not to play in the office and with the boxes. We were afraid something would get knocked over and someone would get hurt. Shockingly enough, guess what happened.
A heavy box (20+lbs) fell on Sawyer's foot. After icing it and calming him down, he was walking with a pretty significant limp. He seemed alright, so we just kept an eye on it.
Fast forward to nap time. Sawyer didn't sleep well even with the Tylenol we had given him.
I grab him out of his crib, and he's refusing to put any weight on his foot. He has it tucked under him and there's visible bruising and swelling on the top of it. I start icing it again. Sawyer is crying and doesn't want anything touching or moving his foot. Andrew and I decide the best course of action is Urgent Care. I was afraid one of the metatarsals in his foot might have been fractured.
Sawyer and I spent two hours in Urgent Care. X-rays were done, but no break was visible. Because of his age, the Nurse Practitioner splinted his foot as a precaution. I was happy another one of my children didn't break a bone.
On Sunday, Sawyer started putting more and more weight on his foot throughout the morning. He was definitely a little trooper. Andrew and I took the splint off mid day, and Sawyer was walking on it with just a little limp. He was actively playing outside and with his brothers. There was just a little bruising and no swelling.
As of today, Sawyer seems fine. He still has a little, barely noticeable limp. He's climbing, walking, playing, and running as usual. He gave us a little scare, but fortunately, his two older brothers didn't permanently damage him.
Although, I really could have gone without the trip to Urgent Care. Better safe than sorry.