My kids were born after 9/11. God willing, they will never experience the terror, horror, hopelessness, and depravity that existed that day for every American. They will not know how America and the world stood still and was glued to the television watching the horrific events of seeing a plane crash into the World Trade Center, the aftermath of the Pentagon hit, the unknowing of Flight 93, and seeing the towers crash with our own eyes. This, however, should not mean they will not know about it.
We need to begin an era where we tell our kids about 9/11 and educate them on why it is important never to forget. Explain to them how heroic ordinary people can be by running into burning, unstable buildings to help others and putting other people's lives above their own. We need them to understand how much this affected every single American even though they were not in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, DC. They need to learn bad things happen sometimes because there are bad people in this world. Our kids need to understand that although this happen 13 years ago, it is still fresh in the hearts of every person who was alive to remember that day.
I believe we need to keep the discussion open about the events of 9/11. I believe it needs to be taught in schools on how much our world changed after these horrific events. Our children need to understand one day and one moment in time so monumentally changed the world.
Along with the horrors of that day, our children need to know of the good. Our children need to know of the many men and women who survived and helped others. Our children need to know that we became stronger and unified. We banded together and supported one another. People from all over the country stopped what they were doing to help those people for the weeks and months in the aftermath. We did not let this stop us but used it to fuel the compassion and support of our country and its people. We became stronger.
I remember my mother describing how precisely she remembered when the announce of President JFK's death was burned into her memory. She was only a child at the time, but she could describe the scene perfectly like it was yesterday. I never understood that concept until 9/11 happened. Now, my own history is burned into my memory, and I will never forget.
And I ask you not to let your children forget because history never will.
Never Forget

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