... but I'm OK." These were Andrew's infamous words on Sunday I heard through the wall of Jackson's room.
Back story, Andrew and I invested in the magnetic child safety locks for cabinets. Cullen has gotten into everything, and we needed to put a stop to it. The only thing that has worked are the magnetic child cabinet locks.
Andrew installed them in the kitchen, but Cullen was still getting into the master bathroom cabinets. We usually keep our bedroom door closed, but if its open, I can guarantee you will find Cullen in our bathroom. Andrew bought some more locks to put on our cabinets.
He was doing this on Sunday while I was getting the boys dressed. I'm fighting to get Jackson into clothes. Yes, it was fighting because he didn't want to get dressed that day at first. Then, per usual, he changed his mind half way through and was in a hurry to get dressed and keep playing.
So, I'm in Jackson's room and hear Andrew shouting, but I couldn't figure out what he was saying. After getting Jackson and Cullen to be quiet (because I can't get one dressed without the other one trying to "help"), I hear with perfect clarity what Andrew is saying.
I quickly run into our bathroom and see him putting pressure on his finger. Andrew assured me it wasn't deep, but apologized for putting a whole in my cabinet unnecessarily. And being the good wife I am, I started laughing hysterically! Yep, wife of the year right here! How crazy has my life gotten where a simple, "I drilled a whole in my finger," doesn't bother me but makes me laugh. I've done enough klutzy things in my life to warrant someone laughing at me.
Case in point. While I was at my previous job, I was testing a staple gun to make sure it was working for a special event the next day. I didn't realize it until it was too late but I was holding the staple gun the wrong way. I seemed to have missed the BIG RED ARROW pointed toward my hand. So I shot myself in the palm of my hand with a staple gun in front of my boss. Yes, my boss was standing right next to me. I realized what I did, looked at it, pulled the rather large staple out, then ran to get supplies to stop the bleeding. And to top all that off, I was the safety and risk manager of the building! I had to file and sign my own accident report. Not only that, but the safety coordinator I filed the report to called me the next day trying not to laugh! I am super talented. And just so you know, it really hurts to get shot with a staple gun.
I hope you had a good laugh at my expense because I couldn't stop laughing at myself while writing this because I know how ridiculous it is!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
A Little Reflection
With Jackson being sick, I attended Mass alone Saturday evening. Andrew and I decided it was best not to infect others with our childrens germs.
It felt a little odd sitting in the normal congregation because we've been sitting in the cry room since Jackson was about 5 months old. Our church does have a nursery, but it's not open for Saturday Mass when we usually attend.
I'm sitting in the congregation being able to fully participate in Mass. Now I know that sounds bad, but when you have two kids who demand attention, you can't exactly pay attention the entire time at Mass. I wish I could, but inevitably, it doesn't happen. So I'm listening to the readings and trying to follow along with the new changes made that went into effect this weekend, and I realize how nice it is just to be able to follow Mass.
I'm able to listen to the readings and homily. I can hear the priest without having to strain my ears. It was a good time of reflection for me to sit alone at Mass and participate.
I know it will take a couple of more years before the kids can sit still and be quiet for an hour. It always seems out of reach right now, but then I see other families with kids doing it. I know it will come, and we will be able to rejoin the regular congregation and leave the cry room behind us. Until then, I will enjoy the very few times I end up going to Mass by myself. Then come home to the loud chaos that is my family and remember why I love them so much.
It felt a little odd sitting in the normal congregation because we've been sitting in the cry room since Jackson was about 5 months old. Our church does have a nursery, but it's not open for Saturday Mass when we usually attend.
I'm sitting in the congregation being able to fully participate in Mass. Now I know that sounds bad, but when you have two kids who demand attention, you can't exactly pay attention the entire time at Mass. I wish I could, but inevitably, it doesn't happen. So I'm listening to the readings and trying to follow along with the new changes made that went into effect this weekend, and I realize how nice it is just to be able to follow Mass.
I'm able to listen to the readings and homily. I can hear the priest without having to strain my ears. It was a good time of reflection for me to sit alone at Mass and participate.
I know it will take a couple of more years before the kids can sit still and be quiet for an hour. It always seems out of reach right now, but then I see other families with kids doing it. I know it will come, and we will be able to rejoin the regular congregation and leave the cry room behind us. Until then, I will enjoy the very few times I end up going to Mass by myself. Then come home to the loud chaos that is my family and remember why I love them so much.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Damn Near Lost My Dog
Quite Literally.
Mea is 9 years old and a very sweet cocker spaniel. Thibie is 5 years old, very sweet also, but not the smartest cocker spaniel. Andrew and I think of Thibe as our "special" dog.
It was a typical Sunday afternoon when Andrew asks, "Why was Thibie in the front yard? And where's Mea?"
I automatically replied, "I have no idea. She's out back." So I go open up the back door to prove my point, and she's not there. I step out onto our back porch to look around the backyard, because she likes to loiter and enjoy the colder weather, and I find part of our fence fell down. My first response was "Oh no!" (Actually, I'll admit the words that formed in my head and came out my mouth were quite more vulgar than that, but I'll spare you what I actually said.)
Our backyard backs up to a utility ditch, so it opens at both ends into our neighborhood.
Andrew and I frantically run into the front yard yelling for Mea up and down the block. We don't see her any where. Andrew grabs a car to drive around the neighborhood while telling me to post on our neighborhood Yahoo Group. I post about missing our dog and call Andrew for an update. He hasn't found her.
Andrew comes back, we pack up the kids, and all four of us hop into the car to look for her. About a block into our drive, my phone rings. It is a neighbor who saw my posting and had seen Mea. We now have an idea of where she went. Andrew hops out of the car and I go one way while he goes another.
After turning a corner, I see a fur ball running about two blocks ahead of me. As I get closer, I clearly see this fur ball is Mea. I pull up the corner and herd her into the car. I ended up being four houses down from mine. And Mea gives me a look like yes, I know I'm in trouble.
We return home with Mea fine about 20 minutes after the whole ordeal finally started. A long 20 minutes. Whew!
Thank you to my kind neighbor who called me to let me know she had seen Mea! Thank you God for letting us find her!
As for Mea, her adventure is over. She is curled up on her dog bed looking very content. Who would have thought Mea would be the one to not come home and Thibie would. Crazy!
Mea is 9 years old and a very sweet cocker spaniel. Thibie is 5 years old, very sweet also, but not the smartest cocker spaniel. Andrew and I think of Thibe as our "special" dog.
It was a typical Sunday afternoon when Andrew asks, "Why was Thibie in the front yard? And where's Mea?"
I automatically replied, "I have no idea. She's out back." So I go open up the back door to prove my point, and she's not there. I step out onto our back porch to look around the backyard, because she likes to loiter and enjoy the colder weather, and I find part of our fence fell down. My first response was "Oh no!" (Actually, I'll admit the words that formed in my head and came out my mouth were quite more vulgar than that, but I'll spare you what I actually said.)
Our backyard backs up to a utility ditch, so it opens at both ends into our neighborhood.
Andrew and I frantically run into the front yard yelling for Mea up and down the block. We don't see her any where. Andrew grabs a car to drive around the neighborhood while telling me to post on our neighborhood Yahoo Group. I post about missing our dog and call Andrew for an update. He hasn't found her.
Andrew comes back, we pack up the kids, and all four of us hop into the car to look for her. About a block into our drive, my phone rings. It is a neighbor who saw my posting and had seen Mea. We now have an idea of where she went. Andrew hops out of the car and I go one way while he goes another.
After turning a corner, I see a fur ball running about two blocks ahead of me. As I get closer, I clearly see this fur ball is Mea. I pull up the corner and herd her into the car. I ended up being four houses down from mine. And Mea gives me a look like yes, I know I'm in trouble.
We return home with Mea fine about 20 minutes after the whole ordeal finally started. A long 20 minutes. Whew!
Thank you to my kind neighbor who called me to let me know she had seen Mea! Thank you God for letting us find her!
As for Mea, her adventure is over. She is curled up on her dog bed looking very content. Who would have thought Mea would be the one to not come home and Thibie would. Crazy!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Being Thankful
Thanksgiving Day this year turned out to be the four of us staying at home for parade watching, movie watching, playing and dinner. Jackson came down with a virus on Tuesday and has been out of commission since. My poor boy has had a fever and just hasn't been up to par.
Even though it is only the four of us, I am thankful to be spending time with my family. Cullen is causing havoc around the house and torturing his sick brother. Andrew is getting to spend quality with the boys. Jackson is resting on the couch, and I have been cooking up a storm and taking care of everyone. It doesn't seem we have the opportunity to spend together without a million things to do occur very often. When we do have a break from outside demands, it's nice to relax.
I am blessed with a wonderful husband, two great children, and good health. We may not live by extended family, but we are close to them. I have amazing friends for whom I am grateful for. I am truly happy for all the good things in my life.
May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
A rare moment of the boys almost hugging, prior to Jackson being sick. |
Even though it is only the four of us, I am thankful to be spending time with my family. Cullen is causing havoc around the house and torturing his sick brother. Andrew is getting to spend quality with the boys. Jackson is resting on the couch, and I have been cooking up a storm and taking care of everyone. It doesn't seem we have the opportunity to spend together without a million things to do occur very often. When we do have a break from outside demands, it's nice to relax.
I am blessed with a wonderful husband, two great children, and good health. We may not live by extended family, but we are close to them. I have amazing friends for whom I am grateful for. I am truly happy for all the good things in my life.
May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
And if you're wondering, his shirt was in the dryer because of the amount of drool on it. He doesn't normally walk around shirtless in November.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Where did all my quiet time go?
Now don't get me wrong, I love my kids to death. They are the best thing that ever happened to me. With that said, I really miss alone time and a quiet house.
It seems the only time it is actually quiet in my house is during nap time and after the boys go down for the night.
I will fully admit; I savor this time. It is such an anomaly in my house.
When I was single and after I married Andrew before kids, I never fully took advantage of quiet time and alone time. I used to seek out noise and company on occasions. It was no big deal to me because I always had a nice, quiet household or apartment to come home to. Not so much any more.
Now, there is always someone demanding my attention or someone running and screaming through the house. I have boys wrestling around or a toddler following me around the house. Yes, my life is not exciting in the traditional sense, but on a day-to-day basis, it gets really hectic. I am constantly putting out fires between siblings, fixing meals, or trying not to let my house look like a tornado hit it.
As few and far between as it is, I take the time to savor my down time and quiet time. I stop what I'm doing, sit down, and try to relax a few minutes. I'm sure once I'm an empty nester, I will miss all the chaos.
As for now, I constantly ask myself the question, "Where did all my quiet time go?"
Then I quickly answer myself, "I decided to have kids. That's where it went!"
It seems the only time it is actually quiet in my house is during nap time and after the boys go down for the night.
I will fully admit; I savor this time. It is such an anomaly in my house.
When I was single and after I married Andrew before kids, I never fully took advantage of quiet time and alone time. I used to seek out noise and company on occasions. It was no big deal to me because I always had a nice, quiet household or apartment to come home to. Not so much any more.
Now, there is always someone demanding my attention or someone running and screaming through the house. I have boys wrestling around or a toddler following me around the house. Yes, my life is not exciting in the traditional sense, but on a day-to-day basis, it gets really hectic. I am constantly putting out fires between siblings, fixing meals, or trying not to let my house look like a tornado hit it.
As few and far between as it is, I take the time to savor my down time and quiet time. I stop what I'm doing, sit down, and try to relax a few minutes. I'm sure once I'm an empty nester, I will miss all the chaos.
As for now, I constantly ask myself the question, "Where did all my quiet time go?"
Then I quickly answer myself, "I decided to have kids. That's where it went!"
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Riding His Tricycle
Jackson finally started riding his tricycle all by himself! We wanted to teach him over the summer, but it was too ridiculously hot even in the evenings. So, we ended up waiting until the fall. Andrew has been teaching him the past few weekends, and it all finally came together.
The first part of the video is more Cullen walking. The second part is Jackson showing off his mad skizzles!
The first part of the video is more Cullen walking. The second part is Jackson showing off his mad skizzles!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Different Ways to Wake up my Kid from a Nap
My way of waking Jackson up from a nap: Go into his room, open the blinds, turnoff the music, rub his back until he's awake, and tell him its time to wake up. After I make sure he's awake, tell him to come get a snack.
Andrew's way of waking him up: Go into his room, jump on his bed, and start tickling him until he's awake. Followed quickly by Jackson attacking Andrew, starting to wrestle on his bed, then both fall off of said bed, and continue wrestling on the floor.
Although I would probably not wake up Jackson in that manner, it was pretty amusing to watch. It got even more interesting when Cullen decided to walk in and join the wrestling.
I guess some boys don't ever grow up! Gotta love 'em!
Andrew's way of waking him up: Go into his room, jump on his bed, and start tickling him until he's awake. Followed quickly by Jackson attacking Andrew, starting to wrestle on his bed, then both fall off of said bed, and continue wrestling on the floor.
Although I would probably not wake up Jackson in that manner, it was pretty amusing to watch. It got even more interesting when Cullen decided to walk in and join the wrestling.
I guess some boys don't ever grow up! Gotta love 'em!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
For the Love of Preschool
Jackson goes to preschool two days a week. Its a half day of school which suits our schedules great. It gives me a little break from having both boys all the time and allows me to spend one-on-one time with Cullen.
Jackson loves preschool. He loves his teacher and has made friends. All these things are great! I'm not complaining at all.
What I do find funny, though, is him arguing with me on non-school days because he wants to go to school. All I hear is, "I go see Miss Paula." or "I go to school." Followed by my reply, "No, Jackson. You don't have school today." After which he actually pouts. I mean he physically pouts his little lips in disappointment then tries to convince me to it is a school day. And I try to hide my smile and laugh because its the cutest, most absurd thing to see. He couldn't look more pathetic if he tried. And he does.
I know trying to explain certain things to a two year old sometimes is like banging your head against a wall. No matter what you say, he has his own mindset about what is supposed to be going on. Like attending school.
But even with the struggle on non-school days, I love the fact he loves school. He enjoys learning and playing. I only hope the love of learning continues throughout his whole school life. It would make life so much easier in the future!
Jackson loves preschool. He loves his teacher and has made friends. All these things are great! I'm not complaining at all.
What I do find funny, though, is him arguing with me on non-school days because he wants to go to school. All I hear is, "I go see Miss Paula." or "I go to school." Followed by my reply, "No, Jackson. You don't have school today." After which he actually pouts. I mean he physically pouts his little lips in disappointment then tries to convince me to it is a school day. And I try to hide my smile and laugh because its the cutest, most absurd thing to see. He couldn't look more pathetic if he tried. And he does.
I know trying to explain certain things to a two year old sometimes is like banging your head against a wall. No matter what you say, he has his own mindset about what is supposed to be going on. Like attending school.
But even with the struggle on non-school days, I love the fact he loves school. He enjoys learning and playing. I only hope the love of learning continues throughout his whole school life. It would make life so much easier in the future!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Awesome Uncle Matt
I love my brother, Matt. He's a great brother, friend and uncle. I was talking to him on the phone last night for our weekly catch up chats when Andrew reminded me of something.
All weekend Jackson wanted to talk to Uncle Matt. Quick background for understanding:
1) I don't live in the same city as Matt.
2) My brother's job is not a 9-5 kind of deal. Crazy and unorthodox hours included.
3) After Matt visited about a month ago, I have heard Jackson say every day, "Uncle Matt is at home in (insert city)."
Andrew reminded me Jackson had wanted to call Uncle Matt all weekend and talk to him. With my brother's crazy hours, I told Jackson it wasn't possible at the time.
On Sunday morning, Jackson had a complete meltdown about not being able to speak to Uncle Matt after handing me the phone. This was a full on crying with real tears, a beet red face, and slumping to the floor meltdown. After calming Jackson down and explaining to him it wasn't possible to call Uncle Matt at 8am in the morning, we resumed our normal routine.
It didn't dawn on me to tell Matt this until Andrew reminded me. I told Matt about the request and ensueing meltdown on the phone last night. Being the awesome uncle he is, Matt said Jackson could call him any time and even if he couldn't talk right then, he would call him back. How awesome is that!
Matt truly is the Best Uncle Ever!
All weekend Jackson wanted to talk to Uncle Matt. Quick background for understanding:
1) I don't live in the same city as Matt.
2) My brother's job is not a 9-5 kind of deal. Crazy and unorthodox hours included.
3) After Matt visited about a month ago, I have heard Jackson say every day, "Uncle Matt is at home in (insert city)."
Andrew reminded me Jackson had wanted to call Uncle Matt all weekend and talk to him. With my brother's crazy hours, I told Jackson it wasn't possible at the time.
On Sunday morning, Jackson had a complete meltdown about not being able to speak to Uncle Matt after handing me the phone. This was a full on crying with real tears, a beet red face, and slumping to the floor meltdown. After calming Jackson down and explaining to him it wasn't possible to call Uncle Matt at 8am in the morning, we resumed our normal routine.
It didn't dawn on me to tell Matt this until Andrew reminded me. I told Matt about the request and ensueing meltdown on the phone last night. Being the awesome uncle he is, Matt said Jackson could call him any time and even if he couldn't talk right then, he would call him back. How awesome is that!
Matt truly is the Best Uncle Ever!
Monday, November 14, 2011
A Virtual Walking Machine
I'm pretty sure it is official that Cullen is walking full time. In fact, he's walking quite fast sometimes it could be labeled a slow run. He's not quite to the point of stepping up steps. Although, he's figured out how to go down a few stairs at a time without hurting himself. Positive steps! Maybe one of these days, I can take the baby gate off the bottom of the stairs. I'll have to think long and hard before making that decision.
Now I have two boys walking around causing havoc in my house. It's crazy!
On a side note, here is a quick quote from Jackson today, "It's yummy in my tummy!" Love it!
Now I have two boys walking around causing havoc in my house. It's crazy!
On a side note, here is a quick quote from Jackson today, "It's yummy in my tummy!" Love it!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Continued Creativity
Why am I still surprised when one of my boys comes up with a new way to use a toy or some other object?
Jackson's new place to put his sit and spin. Apparently, he decided a higher vantage point would make the sit and spin even cooler than normal. Unfortunately for him, I had to put an end to the fun when Jackson decided standing up and spinning on top of the ottoman would be even more awesome.
Or finding this when I go to cook dinner. I pull out my pot to heat up some soup and find half of the refrigerator toy magnets in it. I'm glad I saw them before I put the pot on the burner.
None of these things should surprise me, but they always do. I'm glad my kids have an imagination and creativity. Its nice to know these things don't die out with all of the technology these days.
Continue to be creative kids! Just don't jeopordize your lives or any of my belongings along the way!
Jackson's new place to put his sit and spin. Apparently, he decided a higher vantage point would make the sit and spin even cooler than normal. Unfortunately for him, I had to put an end to the fun when Jackson decided standing up and spinning on top of the ottoman would be even more awesome.
Or finding this when I go to cook dinner. I pull out my pot to heat up some soup and find half of the refrigerator toy magnets in it. I'm glad I saw them before I put the pot on the burner.
None of these things should surprise me, but they always do. I'm glad my kids have an imagination and creativity. Its nice to know these things don't die out with all of the technology these days.
Continue to be creative kids! Just don't jeopordize your lives or any of my belongings along the way!
Friday, November 11, 2011
In Honor of Veteran's Day...
Thank you to all our veterans on Veteran's Day! Active duty, reserves, and retired. Growing up in a military family has given me a great appreciation for everything you do serving your country.
To my Dad, a US Navy retiree, my Papa, a US Navy retiree, Mr. Morrow, a US Navy retiree, my brother Jeremy, active duty Marine Corp, and everyone else who serves, I'm proud of you! You are doing a great job, and you are appreciated!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Getting Crayon out of Carpet
If you were ever curious, OxiClean takes crayon right out of carpet without a huge mess.
The reason I know this is Jackson wanted to color this morning. Jackson colored while Cullen attempted to color. I decided to print out some Thanksgiving coloring pages for the boys.
The kids' activity table is right next to the computer desk. When I'm using the computer upstairs, the boys play directly behind me. I can't see them, but I can hear them. Hmm... maybe I should rethink the placement of the table. As I'm printing out coloring pages, I hear a thump. I look back and see a huge mess!
Jackson colored while Cullen attempted to eat the crayons. After taking the initial crayon out of Cullen's mouth, I see crayon pieces all of the floor. Normally, no big deal. Today, the pieces were smeared into the carpet since the crayons wet. Viola! Crayon on the carpet.
As I'm processing this, I hear more munching. I turn around to find a dog, Thibie, eating crayons! Seriously! The dog has more food allergies than you can imagine, and she's eating a crayon! Not a little one either. She's got at least half a crayon already down here throat. Great....
Yes, OxiClean takes crayon right out of carpet.
And I get the lovely task of picking up colored dog poo tomorrow! What a day.
The reason I know this is Jackson wanted to color this morning. Jackson colored while Cullen attempted to color. I decided to print out some Thanksgiving coloring pages for the boys.
The kids' activity table is right next to the computer desk. When I'm using the computer upstairs, the boys play directly behind me. I can't see them, but I can hear them. Hmm... maybe I should rethink the placement of the table. As I'm printing out coloring pages, I hear a thump. I look back and see a huge mess!
Jackson colored while Cullen attempted to eat the crayons. After taking the initial crayon out of Cullen's mouth, I see crayon pieces all of the floor. Normally, no big deal. Today, the pieces were smeared into the carpet since the crayons wet. Viola! Crayon on the carpet.
As I'm processing this, I hear more munching. I turn around to find a dog, Thibie, eating crayons! Seriously! The dog has more food allergies than you can imagine, and she's eating a crayon! Not a little one either. She's got at least half a crayon already down here throat. Great....
Yes, OxiClean takes crayon right out of carpet.
And I get the lovely task of picking up colored dog poo tomorrow! What a day.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
What Child Safety Lock, Mom?
What do mean I'm not supposed to be in here? |
This is why I have magnetic child safety locks on express delivery. I'm tired of saying, "No, Cullen." twenty times a day.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Running Away, Running Away Fast
Why is it Jackson feels this need to run away from me in public? It's not just me either. Andrew gets to experience this lovely phenomena as well.
It doesn't matter where we are or what we are doing. If Jackson sees an opportunity to run to get to where he wants to go (even if it is in the complete opposite direction he needs to be going), he takes it and bolts.
I took Jackson and Cullen to the park this morning. As I'm getting Jackson out of the car, I specifically state, "Do not run off today." He answers, "OK." I'm thinking, finally, I'm making progress! Yes!
After about 20 minutes of running around with another kid, he decides to bolt and run towards the lake. The lake is about 100 yards from the playground, give or take. I yell at him to come back when he's about 20 feet from me. Of course, he looks back laughs and runs faster. During all of this, Cullen is walking around the benches.
I take off to go get Jackson, since previous experience has taught me, he will not come back on his own. I catch up to him about half way down to the lake. I get him to change directions and run back up hill toward the playground. Thankfully, another mom watched Cullen for me at the playground.
Jackson also did it yesterday in Home Depot while I was holding Cullen. Andrew was talking to a sales associate, so I couldn't get assistance quick enough. I dashed for about 20 feet before I got everyone to come to a sudden stop.
He ran away after I took him to communion with me at church on Saturday! I was mortified! Thankfully, the deacon and usher just smiled at me and shook their heads at him.
Now I ask, why is it no one else seems to have the "runner" kid? I get funny looks all the time from other parents when he takes off in parks, stores, parking lots, etc. He runs without a second glance back. It's not my fault he decides he wants to compete in the 100 yard dash all of the sudden. Does not one other parent experince this running phenomena? Am I the lone person whose kid loves to run off?
On a good note, the running keeps me on my toes and in shape! I'm just hoping Cullen does not pick up this habit.
It doesn't matter where we are or what we are doing. If Jackson sees an opportunity to run to get to where he wants to go (even if it is in the complete opposite direction he needs to be going), he takes it and bolts.
I took Jackson and Cullen to the park this morning. As I'm getting Jackson out of the car, I specifically state, "Do not run off today." He answers, "OK." I'm thinking, finally, I'm making progress! Yes!
After about 20 minutes of running around with another kid, he decides to bolt and run towards the lake. The lake is about 100 yards from the playground, give or take. I yell at him to come back when he's about 20 feet from me. Of course, he looks back laughs and runs faster. During all of this, Cullen is walking around the benches.
I take off to go get Jackson, since previous experience has taught me, he will not come back on his own. I catch up to him about half way down to the lake. I get him to change directions and run back up hill toward the playground. Thankfully, another mom watched Cullen for me at the playground.
Jackson also did it yesterday in Home Depot while I was holding Cullen. Andrew was talking to a sales associate, so I couldn't get assistance quick enough. I dashed for about 20 feet before I got everyone to come to a sudden stop.
He ran away after I took him to communion with me at church on Saturday! I was mortified! Thankfully, the deacon and usher just smiled at me and shook their heads at him.
Now I ask, why is it no one else seems to have the "runner" kid? I get funny looks all the time from other parents when he takes off in parks, stores, parking lots, etc. He runs without a second glance back. It's not my fault he decides he wants to compete in the 100 yard dash all of the sudden. Does not one other parent experince this running phenomena? Am I the lone person whose kid loves to run off?
On a good note, the running keeps me on my toes and in shape! I'm just hoping Cullen does not pick up this habit.
Friday, November 4, 2011
I Forgot What!
I went outside in the backyard to play with the boys this morning. After about 10 minutes of Jackson hitting the baseball off the tee, Cullen walked over to the slide.
Cullen crawls up the slide and slides down. As he slides down and into my waiting arms (he can't stop himself before being flung onto the ground), I notice he has a wet spot on his jeans. I pick him up to determine what has caused the spot. After first I though it was morning dew from the slide, but the slide was clear. I go check to see if his diaper leaked to find he doesn't have a diaper on!
Right before we went outside, I had changed Cullen's diaper and didn't put a new one on him. I just put his jeans on leaving him to go commando.
I have no idea what I was thinking, but I had to laugh at myself!
Cullen crawls up the slide and slides down. As he slides down and into my waiting arms (he can't stop himself before being flung onto the ground), I notice he has a wet spot on his jeans. I pick him up to determine what has caused the spot. After first I though it was morning dew from the slide, but the slide was clear. I go check to see if his diaper leaked to find he doesn't have a diaper on!
Right before we went outside, I had changed Cullen's diaper and didn't put a new one on him. I just put his jeans on leaving him to go commando.
I have no idea what I was thinking, but I had to laugh at myself!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
It's Jesus, Mommy!
After a very busy day yesterday, I was worn out by late afternoon. I pretty much let the boys have free rein of the house as long as no one got hurt.
I hear Jackson shouting something in the front room. I couldn't figure out what he was saying. Toddler speak is a completely different language. For example, Jackson told me, "I want a pretzel." It took me about 2 minutes to figure out it was pretzel he was saying because I was interpreting it as, "I want a pistol." Yep, glad he was saying pretzel in the end.
So after shouting a few more times, he comes running into the kitchen. He runs up to me showing me the cross I keep on the foyer table saying, "It's Jesus, Mommy!" with a huge smile on his face.
My heart melted a little in that moment.
I hear Jackson shouting something in the front room. I couldn't figure out what he was saying. Toddler speak is a completely different language. For example, Jackson told me, "I want a pretzel." It took me about 2 minutes to figure out it was pretzel he was saying because I was interpreting it as, "I want a pistol." Yep, glad he was saying pretzel in the end.
So after shouting a few more times, he comes running into the kitchen. He runs up to me showing me the cross I keep on the foyer table saying, "It's Jesus, Mommy!" with a huge smile on his face.
My heart melted a little in that moment.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Parenting is an Exercise in Patience
"Patience is a virtue" was quoted quite often in my house as I was growing up. My mother often told me how I needed to be more patient. I even learned a patience song in kindergarten at my Catholic school starting off with, "Have patience, have patience...."
If you haven't guessed it, I can be an impatient person when it comes to certain things. I won't deny it. I've embraced this as a part of personality and relish in it. It has often come in handy when things have come up, and I didn't have the patience to wait for change so I did it myself. It comes in handy, now and then.
Why am I bringing this up?
Because my patience is tried every day lately. My boys grow leaps and bound every day which is great. However, there are things I wish they would hurry up and learn already. Or I'm doing my best to be patient in the event they are wreaking havoc in my house.
Examples of what I am talking about:
1) I have both crying and wanting to be held after nap time. Walking around with 50 lbs of cranky children attached to you can try any one's patience.
2) Pulling Cullen away from the fireplace and rocks he continually tries to put in his mouth.
3) Telling Jackson no for the um-teenth time.
At times like these, I have to take a deep breath and realize I'm no Saint. I'm imperfect and my impatience is part of that imperfection. I have gained a lot more patience since becoming a parent. I am not the end all, be all picture of patience. Despite this, I keep going and realize it gets better. For every bad day I have, I have three times as many good days. So bring it! I can take it!
If you haven't guessed it, I can be an impatient person when it comes to certain things. I won't deny it. I've embraced this as a part of personality and relish in it. It has often come in handy when things have come up, and I didn't have the patience to wait for change so I did it myself. It comes in handy, now and then.
Why am I bringing this up?
Because my patience is tried every day lately. My boys grow leaps and bound every day which is great. However, there are things I wish they would hurry up and learn already. Or I'm doing my best to be patient in the event they are wreaking havoc in my house.
Examples of what I am talking about:
1) I have both crying and wanting to be held after nap time. Walking around with 50 lbs of cranky children attached to you can try any one's patience.
2) Pulling Cullen away from the fireplace and rocks he continually tries to put in his mouth.
3) Telling Jackson no for the um-teenth time.
At times like these, I have to take a deep breath and realize I'm no Saint. I'm imperfect and my impatience is part of that imperfection. I have gained a lot more patience since becoming a parent. I am not the end all, be all picture of patience. Despite this, I keep going and realize it gets better. For every bad day I have, I have three times as many good days. So bring it! I can take it!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
For all you Non-Morning People
Ever since we put Jackson into a toddler bed back in July, he has been waking up early. Early as in around 6:30am. Now, Andrew and I are not what you would call "happy morning people." Yes, we can get up early, function, work and complete tasks. However, do not mistake functioning and performing work as me being happy about it or even finding humor in anything before I've had the chance to truly wake up, eat breakfast and get some coffee into my system.
As a parent of an early riser, I due my parental duty of getting up and taking care of my child who is wide awake and ready for the world at some awful hour in the morning.
Last Saturday, Jackson woke up particularly early, even for him. After a couple of sleepy attempts of getting him to go back to his own bed, I gave up. He was hungry (per usual) and requesting substinance. Into the kitchen we went in search of food.
Later in the morning (around 9am) when I'm getting ready in my bathroom, I hear a partial conversation between Jackson and Andrew. The snippet I hear is Andrew saying:
"Well, if you're so tired, stop waking up so early!"
Just this piece alone had me laughing out loud, so I went to investigate.
The entire conversation was around Jackson going into his room, getting his blankie, pointing to the CD player and telling Andrew, "I'm tired. Nap time." Which was followed by Andrew's previous statement.
Jackson did not get his nap time at 9am, but it does put a smile to my face when I remember how much of a non-morning person Andrew is as well.
As a parent of an early riser, I due my parental duty of getting up and taking care of my child who is wide awake and ready for the world at some awful hour in the morning.
Last Saturday, Jackson woke up particularly early, even for him. After a couple of sleepy attempts of getting him to go back to his own bed, I gave up. He was hungry (per usual) and requesting substinance. Into the kitchen we went in search of food.
Later in the morning (around 9am) when I'm getting ready in my bathroom, I hear a partial conversation between Jackson and Andrew. The snippet I hear is Andrew saying:
"Well, if you're so tired, stop waking up so early!"
Just this piece alone had me laughing out loud, so I went to investigate.
The entire conversation was around Jackson going into his room, getting his blankie, pointing to the CD player and telling Andrew, "I'm tired. Nap time." Which was followed by Andrew's previous statement.
Jackson did not get his nap time at 9am, but it does put a smile to my face when I remember how much of a non-morning person Andrew is as well.
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