Friday, November 30, 2012

Sleep? What's that?!

I'm tired.  Check that, I'm exhausted, dog-tired, flagging, tuckered-out, worn out, and every other imaginable synonym for tired.  (Yes, I looked up tired in the thesaurus.)

Having a newborn waking up for night feedings while still trying to keep up with a 3 year old and 2 year old during the day along with all the rest of the household chores is starting to take a toll.  You never realize how much you are taking on until its too late.  I took on having and raising 3 young children while trying to keep my house looking halfway decent.

What is this mysterious thing called sleep that is constantly alluding Andrew and myself.  If we were just dealing with night feedings with Sawyer, it wouldn't be too bad.  Unfortunately, Cullen decided to start teething his upper molars and is waking up in the middle of the night.  I can't just have a child I can cuddle a little and put right back to bed.  Oh no, I have the child who hates teething with a passion and lets his parents undoubtedly know it.  Case in point, I found Cullen crying on the couch last night around midnight.  We are dealing with Cullen waking us up along with Sawyer's feedings.  It may not sound like a lot, but if you've ever gone through something similar to it, you know how exhausting it becomes after awhile.

I'm hoping God will have mercy on us and let Cullen's teeth break through in the very near future.  And with that, he'll start sleeping through the night again.  We've been going like this for awhile now, as in since Sawyer was born.  Andrew and I have started living off coffee and sheer determination things will get better.  It's the only thing that could possibly keep us motivated.  And coffee is the greatest discovery ever!  (Especially Harry and David coffee)

I'm tired, and I know I look tired.  Do me a favor, just lie and say I look great.  A little white lie never hurt me when I need it most.

If this post makes no sense, now you know why.  I need sleep!  On a good note, I did yoga yesterday to help get back in shape.  Small steps!

And he's just another random picture of Sawyer.

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