Just one of many I have of Jackson and Cullen around the trucks. |
We got home around lunch time, and I wasn't feeling great. I was uncomfortable and just wanted to sit down and rest. After sitting and resting for awhile, I started noticing I was having irregular contractions. I just chalked it up to Braxton Hicks. After about an hour, my contractions got more regular and closer together. Around 2pm, I called my friend Jessica to see if she would be available to watch the boys in case I had to go to the hospital. I knew I was going labor. Luckily, Jess said she could watch the kids and just to let her know.
About an hour later, my contractions were coming consistently 3-4 minutes apart. Andrew and I knew I needed to go to the hospital. I finished packing up my bag (and yet I still forgot things, so typical) and Jessica came over. Andrew and I were off to the hospital about 3:30pm. I was observed for about an hour before I was officially admitted.
After being admitted, I had to wait to get my epidural because the nurses wanted to pump me full of an IV bag worth of fluids first. This was after it took three attempts to get an IV line in me (I now have a series of bruises to attest to the previous attempts).
I finally received my epidural about 7pm. Unfortunately, I had a reaction to the epidural this time around. My blood pressure plummeted, got the shakes, and my fingers went numb due to my low blood pressure. Although completely within the normal range of reactions for an epidural, it was the first time I had a reaction. I was told it was because the anesthesiologist must have pumped me full a good dose of medicine. I also learned later I was dehydrated which didn't help with my low blood pressure.
After I was stabilized, the nurses checked me. I was 5cm, and they decided to break my water. This was about 9:25pm. From here, everything flew by. I was fully dilated a little after 10pm. I was pushing around 10:15 or 10:20pm. The nurses asked how long it had taken to push out my other two kids. With Jackson, it took 40 minutes. With Cullen, it took 10 seconds or 1 push.
I only remember pushing about 5 or 6 times. The nurses were trying to find my doctor and telling me not to push anymore. I had two saying just breathe through, don't push. I answered, "I'm not pushing. I promise." Apparently, Sawyer didn't care if the doctor was there and I wasn't pushing. He was going to come out regardless. I was told by Andrew, by the time my doctor came in, Sawyer's head was completely out. I didn't even have to push again. My doctor manipulated his shoulders out.
Our newest little baby boy, Sawyer Matthew Ingalls, was born Saturday, November 3, 2012 at 10:32pm. He weighed 6lbs 10oz and 19 inches long.
I was discharged from the hospital Monday morning, and we have been adjusting to our newest addition. I'm sure I'll be posting on all our nuances in the near future. For now here are some more pictures.
Andrew feeding Sawyer on Sunday. |
Jackson insisted on holding Sawyer at the hospital. |
Both boys are fascinated with their baby brother. |
Congratulations!! He's beautiful!!