We didn't do a whole lot. Andrew had just arrived back late Saturday night from a business trip overseas, so he was tired and jet lagged. We lost an hour of sleep because of daylight savings time kicking in, so we were all a little out of it.
My parents came over, and Cassidy was able to open her presents. My mom made Cassidy a very cute quilt. Her first quilt since Matt, my brother, went off to college. She said it's a little rusty, but I know Cassidy will always cherish it. Her brothers were a big 'help' when it came to opening presents.
I made Vanilla Bean Cupcakes for her birthday celebration after dinner. Cassidy loved the cupcake and icing but not the candle. She didn't blow out the candle, but pinched it out with her fingers. Being the awesome mom I am, I caught the before and after facial expressions on film. It went from happy and curious to what the hell was that to holy hell that hurt!
Her birthday was a little bittersweet for Andrew and I. She's the last, so this will be the last first birthday. Its hard to explain how I feel. I'm sad, and I'm happy. It's the start of a new era (aka no more babies) in our household. I'm ready for it. However, it's sad to leave behind the small fingers and toes, and all the baby cuddles. But I'm definitely read to let go of the sleepless nights!
Happy 1st Birthday Cassidy! We love you!
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