Weather and virus included in that statement.
It seems Texas has finally decided to catch up with the calendar and get cold. As in, you best keep your butt inside the house before the 30 mph wind gusts blows it to the ground while it is 30 degrees outside, cold. A cold front came through Christmas day and has set up shop here since. While I don't mind cold weather (definitely better than 80 degree days in December), I do mind the wind. I have never experienced wind like we have in Texas, and I've lived and visited many places. My theory is because we have no tall trees, mountains or hills, for that matter, the wind has nothing to stop it. In essence, it just blows hard across everything. In the winter time, you get the bitter cold wind which takes your breath away. In the summer, you get the blow dryer hot wind which does nothing to cool you down. Texas weather is a force unto itself.
As for the other part of the cold, almost our entire family has been taken with the cold virus. That is to say everyone but Sawyer and I are sick. It started with Cullen over 2 weeks ago with a runny nose. He never really got better, so Andrew took him to the doctor yesterday. We got tired of the constant snot. Good thing we brought him in because he had the beginnings of an ear infection. Cullen received his prescription for antibiotics. We also had a concern because it seems as though Cullen is always have a runny nose. The doctor suggested putting him on Claritin. We shall see how it works.
Jackson came down with the cold yesterday. He's had a runny nose and not quite feeling himself. Andrew started feeling sick on Christmas day and had the full fledged cold the day after Christmas. Andrew has been fighting it ever since, and it has yet to go away. I swear any time the boys get sick Andrew gets sick. It's almost envitable. I don't get it. His immune system needs to catch up with mine.
As for me, I get to take care of all three sick boys. Sawyer is not sick (thank god!). I have been keeping him as isolated from the two boys as much as possible. Last thing I need is a sick baby.
Send up some thoughts and prayers that this blows through our house as quickly as the wind outside has been blowing, and Sawyer and I do not come down with the cold. I would like everyone better for the new year.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
What a Christmas!
Christmas day has come and gone. Oh what Christmas it was!
Jackson is old enough to be excited about Santa and Nathan the Elf. Cullen was excited as well, but more because Jackson was so excited. Sawyer is just happy to eat and sleep in peace.
Our Christmas activities started on Christmas Eve. I took the boys to the gym with me in the morning to get my pre stuff-my-face workout. After coming home, I immediately started baking. I made a kickass cheesecake. I didn't even crack the top of the cheesecake this time, so I was pretty proud of myself. Andrew made coffee cake for the next morning which turned out really good as well.
We went to 4pm Christmas Eve Mass. We had to wake the boys up early from their naps to get ready and arrive at church early. We got there at 3:30pm and the church was already full. Crazy! We moseyed on over to the parish hall which was practically empty and found seats. As our priest stated at the beginning of Mass, if Jesus can be born in a barn, we can celebrate Christmas Eve Mass in the parish hall on plastic chairs.
After Mass, I started making dinner. Its become tradition with Andrew and I to have shrimp and grits as a Christmas Eve dinner. I have made it now for the past 4 years. After dinner, Jackson and Cullen spread out their reindeer food in the front lawn. Jackson and Cullen then picked out two cookies each for Santa. Andrew helped put out the glass of milk. After all the preparations for Santa were done, the boys went off to bed. Andrew and I popped in a movie and relaxed.
Christmas morning, we were woken up at 7am by Cullen who insisted on watching choos choos on TV. Andrew and I got up to make coffee and turn on the wassail I made the day before. I fed Sawyer who woke up soon after, and Jackson woke up at 7:30am. Andrew was in the front room taking pictures of all the presents Santa left the boys when Jackson woke up. He got to see Jackson's reaction seeing Santa had come. It was precious and pure boy when he squealed, "Cool!" I would have gotten this on tape with a video camera, but it broke that morning. The red filter stopped working so everything was in black and white or blue and green. It was completely random, but it happened. Andrew broke out one of our digital cameras, and he recorded the morning on it instead. We roll with the punches in this household! We proceeded to open presents, eat breakfast, and enjoy Christmas morning.
Cullen and Jackson proceeded to play with their new toys for the rest of the day. It ended up being a very nice day and not too stressful. We enjoyed each others company and soaked in the day. It really felt like Christmas when a cold front blew through. We reached a high of 72 at 9am and our temperature plummeted to the 30s by the time night came around. Lets not forget to mention the hurricane force winds that blew through at a constant 25-30mph the whole day and most of last night. It was cold! Our wind chill was in the teens this morning.
I hope you had a Merry Christmas and were able to relax and enjoy this holiday!
Jackson is old enough to be excited about Santa and Nathan the Elf. Cullen was excited as well, but more because Jackson was so excited. Sawyer is just happy to eat and sleep in peace.
Our Christmas activities started on Christmas Eve. I took the boys to the gym with me in the morning to get my pre stuff-my-face workout. After coming home, I immediately started baking. I made a kickass cheesecake. I didn't even crack the top of the cheesecake this time, so I was pretty proud of myself. Andrew made coffee cake for the next morning which turned out really good as well.
We went to 4pm Christmas Eve Mass. We had to wake the boys up early from their naps to get ready and arrive at church early. We got there at 3:30pm and the church was already full. Crazy! We moseyed on over to the parish hall which was practically empty and found seats. As our priest stated at the beginning of Mass, if Jesus can be born in a barn, we can celebrate Christmas Eve Mass in the parish hall on plastic chairs.
After Mass, I started making dinner. Its become tradition with Andrew and I to have shrimp and grits as a Christmas Eve dinner. I have made it now for the past 4 years. After dinner, Jackson and Cullen spread out their reindeer food in the front lawn. Jackson and Cullen then picked out two cookies each for Santa. Andrew helped put out the glass of milk. After all the preparations for Santa were done, the boys went off to bed. Andrew and I popped in a movie and relaxed.
Christmas morning, we were woken up at 7am by Cullen who insisted on watching choos choos on TV. Andrew and I got up to make coffee and turn on the wassail I made the day before. I fed Sawyer who woke up soon after, and Jackson woke up at 7:30am. Andrew was in the front room taking pictures of all the presents Santa left the boys when Jackson woke up. He got to see Jackson's reaction seeing Santa had come. It was precious and pure boy when he squealed, "Cool!" I would have gotten this on tape with a video camera, but it broke that morning. The red filter stopped working so everything was in black and white or blue and green. It was completely random, but it happened. Andrew broke out one of our digital cameras, and he recorded the morning on it instead. We roll with the punches in this household! We proceeded to open presents, eat breakfast, and enjoy Christmas morning.
Cullen and Jackson proceeded to play with their new toys for the rest of the day. It ended up being a very nice day and not too stressful. We enjoyed each others company and soaked in the day. It really felt like Christmas when a cold front blew through. We reached a high of 72 at 9am and our temperature plummeted to the 30s by the time night came around. Lets not forget to mention the hurricane force winds that blew through at a constant 25-30mph the whole day and most of last night. It was cold! Our wind chill was in the teens this morning.
I hope you had a Merry Christmas and were able to relax and enjoy this holiday!
The whole family after Christmas Eve Mass |
Monday, December 24, 2012
Crisis Averted!
Earlier last week, before I had done any grocery shopping, Andrew comes into the bathroom saying, "Do we still have the coffee filter that came with the coffee maker?"
Me, with shampoo down my face, asked him to repeat his questions while rinsing the burning hot magma out of my eyes. Finally, I hear what he's saying and ask why.
"We're out of coffee filters," Andrew states.
We both look at each other like we have just heard of the death of a family member. I mean we were truly devastated. I felt my morning turning into this dreadfully bad day because the thought of no coffee.
Then I had an epiphany! "Yes, we do. I just saw the last three we had yesterday!" I triumphantly say.
After finishing my shower in record time, I go into the kitchen drawer, dig though piles of crap we have stuffed in there, and found the coffee filters! I swear I heard angels singing on high. It was an early Christmas miracle!
I started the coffee maker, and I ran back into the bathroom to tell Andrew. I was so proud of myself. Our day was saved by the wonder of coffee and caffeine. Crisis Averted!
And 80 more coffee filters were purchased later that day.
Me, with shampoo down my face, asked him to repeat his questions while rinsing the burning hot magma out of my eyes. Finally, I hear what he's saying and ask why.
"We're out of coffee filters," Andrew states.
We both look at each other like we have just heard of the death of a family member. I mean we were truly devastated. I felt my morning turning into this dreadfully bad day because the thought of no coffee.
Then I had an epiphany! "Yes, we do. I just saw the last three we had yesterday!" I triumphantly say.
After finishing my shower in record time, I go into the kitchen drawer, dig though piles of crap we have stuffed in there, and found the coffee filters! I swear I heard angels singing on high. It was an early Christmas miracle!
I started the coffee maker, and I ran back into the bathroom to tell Andrew. I was so proud of myself. Our day was saved by the wonder of coffee and caffeine. Crisis Averted!
And 80 more coffee filters were purchased later that day.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Girls Conversation
On our way home from the gym yesterday, I had an interesting conversation with Jackson.
Mom: Did you have fun playing at the gym today?
Jackson: Yes!
Me: Good.
Jackson: I played with two girls today! We had fun.
Me: Ooh! What were their names?
Jackson: (complete silence)
Me: Jackson, what were the two girls names.
Jackson: (still silence) It's my song! (a new song had started on the radio)
Just what I need, a heart breaker in my family. Looks like I'm going to have to teach this boy when you play with girls, it is of vital importance that you remember their names! We (as I am speaking for all girls) like our names to be remembered amongst other things. Seems like the education on interacting with girls needs to begin early in this one.
Mom: Did you have fun playing at the gym today?
Jackson: Yes!
Me: Good.
Jackson: I played with two girls today! We had fun.
Me: Ooh! What were their names?
Jackson: (complete silence)
Me: Jackson, what were the two girls names.
Jackson: (still silence) It's my song! (a new song had started on the radio)
Just what I need, a heart breaker in my family. Looks like I'm going to have to teach this boy when you play with girls, it is of vital importance that you remember their names! We (as I am speaking for all girls) like our names to be remembered amongst other things. Seems like the education on interacting with girls needs to begin early in this one.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Christmas Family Picture
Last week, I finally got the whole family together for our annual family Christmas picture. Here you go!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours! |
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Cowboy Boots!
The cowboy boots have arrived! He is a true Texan! Santa probably would have brought them, except for the small detail of not knowing what size to get. Jackson had been begging me for cowboy boots for awhile. I'm not sure what burr got up his butt about having a pair of cowboy boots, but it did. When we went to go buy the boys' new shoes the other day (and yes, I just bought them shoes not but 4 months ago because they have huge feet!), Jackson also got his cowboy boots. He was ecstatic and has tried to wear them all the time ever since we got home.
Showing off his cowboy boots! |
Monday, December 17, 2012
Getting my booty back to normal
It has been 6 weeks since I have given birth to Sawyer. I don't have my pre-pregnant body back. I know its early, and I literally lost the baby weight, post birth weight, and water weight already. Still, it's been bothering me.
Here's the thing. Let me give you a little insight into my thought process and background before you all go charging the door saying I need to shut up and shove it because I'm full of shit. I was in the fitness/recreation industry for a decade before I decided to stay at home with my kids. When you are in this industry, you have the drive and desire to be in shape (or at least the majority of us do and should!). You work your butt off everyday to make yourself a shining example of what healthy should look like. Notice I said healthy and not skinny. But you still have self doubts especially when you're around the gym so much and see all of the 'skinny' people. You get in a mindset that you have to always be at optimum performance and looking great all the time. Last thing I wanted to be was the overweight fitness staff member. So I am used to being a certain way and seeing my body a certain way.
I was and still am like every other normal woman out there. My weight fluctuated throughout college, grad school and upon entering the work force. Granted, I didn't have huge fluctuations. In college and graduate school, I was at the gym at least 5 days a week personal training, teaching group exercise classes, and working studiously in the office doing the business side (aka crunching numbers, taking care of staffing, etc). While at the gym, I worked out. It was easy convenient, and I wanted to set a good example for our members. I was in good shape. And it is easy to forget that was a few years back, and I am not going to jump right back to the way I was.
With my first pregnancy, I indulged a little too much for me. I gained the' correct amount of weight' according to my doctor, but I knew it was too much. Looking at pictures of myself after giving birth, I was the largest I had ever been, ever. It took me several months of exercising and eating healthy to get back to normal.
Of course, my rockin' body landed me into being pregnant 8 months after giving birth (thanks hubby!). During my second pregnancy, I was chasing around after a child and eating healthy. I gained a healthy amount of weight, but a good 10lb less than my first pregnancy. I swear after giving birth my body almost naturally went back to normal within a month or two. I was ecstatic!
Several months later I joined a gym and honed my workout to achieve a healthier more optimal me. I knew I would never get back down to the size I was in high school or college. It just isn't realistic. After deciding and becoming pregnant for the third time, I was determined to have the same weight gain and loss results as my second pregnancy. It didn't quite happen.
I worked out 2-3 days a week, every week throughout my entire pregnancy. My last workout was 2 days before I went into labor. I made modifications as needed, especially after I got a stress fracture in my foot. I gained more than my second but less than my first pregnancy. I wasn't too thrilled about it, but I honestly did everything I thought I could.
After a more intense labor and delivery than before, I honestly thought I would magically pop back into my former self. Yea, my bubble popped extremely loudly when that didn't happen.
I was and still am down about it. Since I can't bring Sawyer to the gym with me, I go on weekends when Andrew can watch the boys. I do smaller workouts during nap time when possible. Its been 6 weeks, and I'm still not back to where I started.
Am I upset about this? Yes. Have I been harsh on myself because of it? Hell yes! Does my husband think I'm crazy and an idiot for it? You bet! Does anyone notice this except me? Nope. I have been told several times I don't look like I just had a baby.
So why am I doing this to myself? It's hard to explain. Being in the fitness mindset is partially to blame. I imagine seeing my body in a certain way and expect it to still be that way. I'm impatient. And I feel more confident and happier when I'm healthy and without the extra few pounds on me.
But as I am writing this, I realized I'm being extremely hard on myself for no reason. I had a baby, baby! six weeks ago. I'm not extremely far away from where I want to be, less than 10 lbs. (Don't judge the amount people. It may not seem like a lot to you, but with my height and body frame, it's a lot to me.) I'm being stupid and ridiculous. This weight will come off just like my other weight came off. I just need to work at it. I should not care what people think about me and only what my husband thinks. He was right when he said, "You look great!" I do look pretty great. And I will get my rockin' body back!
Society and the media expect women to just pop back into to their mindset of a perfect body after giving birth. Why? Because celebrities do it and make it look easy. They also probably have personal trainers who work them out 6-7 days a week for 3-6 hours per day. They also have personal chefs, nutritionists, or dietitians putting them on a strict eating plan. And they also have the time and money to do all of this of which normal everyday women (aka me) don't.
I say to all women who have become pregnant and given birth, stop criticizing everything you see wrong. Be proud of your body. We have all been there. Some of us several times. No one is perfect. Society and the media's ideal body image is not ideal, nor is it realistic. Women have curves. We're not meant to be stick figures. Strive to be healthy, not skinny. Strive to have a positive self image and be comfortable with your own body.
I will stop being so hard on myself about losing the last of my baby weight. I will instead be grateful for the healthy baby boy I brought into this world and his two, equally healthy, older brothers. I am thankful for a supportive, awesome husband who has know problems dishing out the truth and compliments. And lastly, I will enjoy the holiday season because honestly, its not going to stop me from eating awesome baked goods. Yum!
Here's the thing. Let me give you a little insight into my thought process and background before you all go charging the door saying I need to shut up and shove it because I'm full of shit. I was in the fitness/recreation industry for a decade before I decided to stay at home with my kids. When you are in this industry, you have the drive and desire to be in shape (or at least the majority of us do and should!). You work your butt off everyday to make yourself a shining example of what healthy should look like. Notice I said healthy and not skinny. But you still have self doubts especially when you're around the gym so much and see all of the 'skinny' people. You get in a mindset that you have to always be at optimum performance and looking great all the time. Last thing I wanted to be was the overweight fitness staff member. So I am used to being a certain way and seeing my body a certain way.
I was and still am like every other normal woman out there. My weight fluctuated throughout college, grad school and upon entering the work force. Granted, I didn't have huge fluctuations. In college and graduate school, I was at the gym at least 5 days a week personal training, teaching group exercise classes, and working studiously in the office doing the business side (aka crunching numbers, taking care of staffing, etc). While at the gym, I worked out. It was easy convenient, and I wanted to set a good example for our members. I was in good shape. And it is easy to forget that was a few years back, and I am not going to jump right back to the way I was.
With my first pregnancy, I indulged a little too much for me. I gained the' correct amount of weight' according to my doctor, but I knew it was too much. Looking at pictures of myself after giving birth, I was the largest I had ever been, ever. It took me several months of exercising and eating healthy to get back to normal.
Of course, my rockin' body landed me into being pregnant 8 months after giving birth (thanks hubby!). During my second pregnancy, I was chasing around after a child and eating healthy. I gained a healthy amount of weight, but a good 10lb less than my first pregnancy. I swear after giving birth my body almost naturally went back to normal within a month or two. I was ecstatic!
Several months later I joined a gym and honed my workout to achieve a healthier more optimal me. I knew I would never get back down to the size I was in high school or college. It just isn't realistic. After deciding and becoming pregnant for the third time, I was determined to have the same weight gain and loss results as my second pregnancy. It didn't quite happen.
I worked out 2-3 days a week, every week throughout my entire pregnancy. My last workout was 2 days before I went into labor. I made modifications as needed, especially after I got a stress fracture in my foot. I gained more than my second but less than my first pregnancy. I wasn't too thrilled about it, but I honestly did everything I thought I could.
After a more intense labor and delivery than before, I honestly thought I would magically pop back into my former self. Yea, my bubble popped extremely loudly when that didn't happen.
I was and still am down about it. Since I can't bring Sawyer to the gym with me, I go on weekends when Andrew can watch the boys. I do smaller workouts during nap time when possible. Its been 6 weeks, and I'm still not back to where I started.
Am I upset about this? Yes. Have I been harsh on myself because of it? Hell yes! Does my husband think I'm crazy and an idiot for it? You bet! Does anyone notice this except me? Nope. I have been told several times I don't look like I just had a baby.
So why am I doing this to myself? It's hard to explain. Being in the fitness mindset is partially to blame. I imagine seeing my body in a certain way and expect it to still be that way. I'm impatient. And I feel more confident and happier when I'm healthy and without the extra few pounds on me.
But as I am writing this, I realized I'm being extremely hard on myself for no reason. I had a baby, baby! six weeks ago. I'm not extremely far away from where I want to be, less than 10 lbs. (Don't judge the amount people. It may not seem like a lot to you, but with my height and body frame, it's a lot to me.) I'm being stupid and ridiculous. This weight will come off just like my other weight came off. I just need to work at it. I should not care what people think about me and only what my husband thinks. He was right when he said, "You look great!" I do look pretty great. And I will get my rockin' body back!
Society and the media expect women to just pop back into to their mindset of a perfect body after giving birth. Why? Because celebrities do it and make it look easy. They also probably have personal trainers who work them out 6-7 days a week for 3-6 hours per day. They also have personal chefs, nutritionists, or dietitians putting them on a strict eating plan. And they also have the time and money to do all of this of which normal everyday women (aka me) don't.
I say to all women who have become pregnant and given birth, stop criticizing everything you see wrong. Be proud of your body. We have all been there. Some of us several times. No one is perfect. Society and the media's ideal body image is not ideal, nor is it realistic. Women have curves. We're not meant to be stick figures. Strive to be healthy, not skinny. Strive to have a positive self image and be comfortable with your own body.
I will stop being so hard on myself about losing the last of my baby weight. I will instead be grateful for the healthy baby boy I brought into this world and his two, equally healthy, older brothers. I am thankful for a supportive, awesome husband who has know problems dishing out the truth and compliments. And lastly, I will enjoy the holiday season because honestly, its not going to stop me from eating awesome baked goods. Yum!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Ho! Ho! Ho! Pictures
As the kids are preparing for Santa to arrive, I took a few Christmas pictures of the kids. This helped put me more into the Christmas spirit. I love taking pictures of my kids. Though getting them to stay still long enough to not have blurry shots is a whole other matter. Enjoy!
Sawyer 1 month old |
Sawyer 1 month old |
Could not get one of them goofing off! |
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Christmas Spirit... or not
It's Christmas time, or if you want to be technical Advent. It's the time when everyone, including myself, get out their Christmas decorations, and your house turns into a Christmas wonderland. The tree goes up and gets decorated. Wreaths adorn doors, windows, and the mantel above the fireplace. Stockings hang over the fireplace, and you put up all your favorite holiday decorations.
My usual self cranks out the Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving, is bugging Andrew to get the decorations out of the attic, and is excitedly decorating the house. Well, the tree is up and decorated. The decorations are adorning the house. I have Christmas music playing, sometimes, yet something is missing.
For me, that would be any Christmas spirit. I cannot get into the Christmas/Holiday spirit this year. It might have something to do with having a 1 month old and lack of sleep, but I'm not blaming all of it on that. I bought a present off of a giving tree for a child in need. I've done some Christmas shopping. I've wrapped Christmas presents for relatives. Andrew and I took the boys to Rock the Lights, a Christmas lighting display through the park. Still, I'm not feeling it.
I have got the be the biggest Grinch this year. I dread shopping for my boys. I just cannot look forward to Christmas this year. I almost wish we could skip the holidays. Going to Mass is not putting me in the spirit. We even got Nathan the Elf out and are explaining to Jackson and Cullen about Santa Claus and the magic of Christmas. I've explained the nativity to the boys and why we celebrate Christmas. Nothing is doing it for me.
I finally made the Christmas card after wrangling all four of the Ingalls men for a family picture. That seemed to have helped because it is something I have always enjoyed. I'm hoping it will help when they are officially put in the mail as well. I know receiving Christmas cards always puts me in a better mood. Its cool to see the changes people have made over the past year.
My usual self cranks out the Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving, is bugging Andrew to get the decorations out of the attic, and is excitedly decorating the house. Well, the tree is up and decorated. The decorations are adorning the house. I have Christmas music playing, sometimes, yet something is missing.
For me, that would be any Christmas spirit. I cannot get into the Christmas/Holiday spirit this year. It might have something to do with having a 1 month old and lack of sleep, but I'm not blaming all of it on that. I bought a present off of a giving tree for a child in need. I've done some Christmas shopping. I've wrapped Christmas presents for relatives. Andrew and I took the boys to Rock the Lights, a Christmas lighting display through the park. Still, I'm not feeling it.
I have got the be the biggest Grinch this year. I dread shopping for my boys. I just cannot look forward to Christmas this year. I almost wish we could skip the holidays. Going to Mass is not putting me in the spirit. We even got Nathan the Elf out and are explaining to Jackson and Cullen about Santa Claus and the magic of Christmas. I've explained the nativity to the boys and why we celebrate Christmas. Nothing is doing it for me.
I finally made the Christmas card after wrangling all four of the Ingalls men for a family picture. That seemed to have helped because it is something I have always enjoyed. I'm hoping it will help when they are officially put in the mail as well. I know receiving Christmas cards always puts me in a better mood. Its cool to see the changes people have made over the past year.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Craziness Recap
I haven't done any kind of recap or funny short stories in awhile. Mainly because every time something happens, I don't have the time (or energy) to jot it down. I'm usually running after someone or busy with some mundane household chore to really blog about it. So here we go.
1) Nothing says yes, you are a Mom of a newborn/baby again like being spit up on and having the spit up go down the front of your shirt. Or in your hair. Or all over your sleeve. You get the idea. The front of the shirt was bad enough because it just grotesquely slithered down, and I wasn't in a position to change my shirt immediately. And nothing reminds you more that you are a mom of a baby boy when you're changing a diaper and are shot with a stream of pee coming up straight at you. At least Sawyer is keeping my reflexes and mind working quickly.
2) I've gotten the question how is three kids different than two. Quick example. I'm feeding Sawyer when Jackson and Cullen start fighting over a toy or anything not important. Queue the screaming and fighting. I tell them to stop fighting and screaming. Of course, I usually get ignored the first time and someone escalates the argument. Still feeding Sawyer, I have to get up separate the fighting parties, take a toy away, send someone to their room to cool off, or something inventive to keep the peace. All the while, Sawyer is rocking back and forth like a boat, eating his bottle, and I'm doing my best to keep him steady with one arm while taking care of the other two with the other arm. Fun times!
3) Jackson and Cullen are in the third row of the Explorer. Sawyer is in the second row. I have to climb full into the car in order to buckle both boys in while at least one of them is trying to climb into the front seat to press all the fun and new buttons! Its like StairMaster for me every time we leave.
4) Cullen has taken to riding anyone who lies down I've been able to teach him to leave Sawyer alone, but everyone else is still fair game. He doesn't understand not everyone wants to been ridden like a horse if they get on the floor. This has led to him being bucked off and an occasional hitting of his head on the ground.
5) I finally got the tree decorated a week after Andrew put it up. It was an experience with lots of 'helpers' pulling ornaments off or grouping them on one or two branches. I'm glad the task is over.
6) As Andrew and I lock up the house and let the dogs out at night before bed, we check on the boys. I was doing this task a couple of days ago. I'm opening the door, and it stops about three inches after I open it. I'm pushing it thinking its stuck on something when I hear a whine. I shove a little more and find out I'm pushing over Cullen who decided to fall asleep on the floor right behind his bedroom door. After I push my way into the room, I pick up Cullen and return him to his bed. Luckily, I only received a half hearted cry, and he was out again. Good thing we check on the boys at night.
Welcome to my crazy life.
1) Nothing says yes, you are a Mom of a newborn/baby again like being spit up on and having the spit up go down the front of your shirt. Or in your hair. Or all over your sleeve. You get the idea. The front of the shirt was bad enough because it just grotesquely slithered down, and I wasn't in a position to change my shirt immediately. And nothing reminds you more that you are a mom of a baby boy when you're changing a diaper and are shot with a stream of pee coming up straight at you. At least Sawyer is keeping my reflexes and mind working quickly.
2) I've gotten the question how is three kids different than two. Quick example. I'm feeding Sawyer when Jackson and Cullen start fighting over a toy or anything not important. Queue the screaming and fighting. I tell them to stop fighting and screaming. Of course, I usually get ignored the first time and someone escalates the argument. Still feeding Sawyer, I have to get up separate the fighting parties, take a toy away, send someone to their room to cool off, or something inventive to keep the peace. All the while, Sawyer is rocking back and forth like a boat, eating his bottle, and I'm doing my best to keep him steady with one arm while taking care of the other two with the other arm. Fun times!
3) Jackson and Cullen are in the third row of the Explorer. Sawyer is in the second row. I have to climb full into the car in order to buckle both boys in while at least one of them is trying to climb into the front seat to press all the fun and new buttons! Its like StairMaster for me every time we leave.
4) Cullen has taken to riding anyone who lies down I've been able to teach him to leave Sawyer alone, but everyone else is still fair game. He doesn't understand not everyone wants to been ridden like a horse if they get on the floor. This has led to him being bucked off and an occasional hitting of his head on the ground.
5) I finally got the tree decorated a week after Andrew put it up. It was an experience with lots of 'helpers' pulling ornaments off or grouping them on one or two branches. I'm glad the task is over.
6) As Andrew and I lock up the house and let the dogs out at night before bed, we check on the boys. I was doing this task a couple of days ago. I'm opening the door, and it stops about three inches after I open it. I'm pushing it thinking its stuck on something when I hear a whine. I shove a little more and find out I'm pushing over Cullen who decided to fall asleep on the floor right behind his bedroom door. After I push my way into the room, I pick up Cullen and return him to his bed. Luckily, I only received a half hearted cry, and he was out again. Good thing we check on the boys at night.
Welcome to my crazy life.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
It's a... New Car!
Imagine the title of this post in the a Price is Right voice because that's how it sounds in my head when I was writing it.
Yes, we bought a new car. Well, it was used, but it's new to me! We bought a 2012 Ford Explorer because my car just couldn't comfortably handle three car seats in the back. The three car seats fit in the back, but I had to about break my hand in order to buckle Jackson in every time. After a few times and a lot of four letter words, I broke down and told Andrew I couldn't do it.
We figured we would eventually have to get a larger vehicle, but we were hoping to put it off a little longer. Andrew found the Explorer online at our local Ford dealership the day before Thanksgiving. He went over to look at it and possibly take it on a test drive. The dealership ended up sending him home with the car, telling him to bring it back Friday morning and tell them if he was still interested.
Andrew drove it home, and I drove it on Thanksgiving. After a discussion, we decided to purchase it. It made sense. The Explorer was only a year old and had 20,000 miles on it. It was in good condition and at a fair price. On Friday morning, Andrew went back to the dealership to buy it. We traded in my old Honda (as in I've had this car since my first trip to graduate school and Baton Rouge and it had 140,000+ miles on it. It was a good car!).
When Andrew brought the Explorer home, the boys were ecstatic to play in the new vehicle. The car seats were placed in it and off we went for a family drive. Jackson didn't want it to end.
I am now driving an SUV when all I have ever driven is a sedan. I feel like a kid in a grown up car. The thing is huge compared to what I've driven since I received my license. Even sitting in the passenger seat, I feel teeny tiny. I'm getting used to driving it. I'm still having issues parking. No, I haven't hit anything other than a curb or two. I just tend to hug a line.
Now, I am an SUV driving Mom. I never imagined myself driving an Explorer or any SUV for that matter, but a four door sedan just wouldn't cut it anymore. Reality caught up with me when I popped out a third child. At least both cars still fit in the garage with room to spare. Yea!
Yes, we bought a new car. Well, it was used, but it's new to me! We bought a 2012 Ford Explorer because my car just couldn't comfortably handle three car seats in the back. The three car seats fit in the back, but I had to about break my hand in order to buckle Jackson in every time. After a few times and a lot of four letter words, I broke down and told Andrew I couldn't do it.
We figured we would eventually have to get a larger vehicle, but we were hoping to put it off a little longer. Andrew found the Explorer online at our local Ford dealership the day before Thanksgiving. He went over to look at it and possibly take it on a test drive. The dealership ended up sending him home with the car, telling him to bring it back Friday morning and tell them if he was still interested.
Andrew drove it home, and I drove it on Thanksgiving. After a discussion, we decided to purchase it. It made sense. The Explorer was only a year old and had 20,000 miles on it. It was in good condition and at a fair price. On Friday morning, Andrew went back to the dealership to buy it. We traded in my old Honda (as in I've had this car since my first trip to graduate school and Baton Rouge and it had 140,000+ miles on it. It was a good car!).
When Andrew brought the Explorer home, the boys were ecstatic to play in the new vehicle. The car seats were placed in it and off we went for a family drive. Jackson didn't want it to end.
I am now driving an SUV when all I have ever driven is a sedan. I feel like a kid in a grown up car. The thing is huge compared to what I've driven since I received my license. Even sitting in the passenger seat, I feel teeny tiny. I'm getting used to driving it. I'm still having issues parking. No, I haven't hit anything other than a curb or two. I just tend to hug a line.
Now, I am an SUV driving Mom. I never imagined myself driving an Explorer or any SUV for that matter, but a four door sedan just wouldn't cut it anymore. Reality caught up with me when I popped out a third child. At least both cars still fit in the garage with room to spare. Yea!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Sawyer's 1 Month Old
I cannot believe Sawyer is officially 1 month old! Time just flies when you get no sleep and are running after two children.
Sawyer is doing very well for being one month old. He's getting 5-6 hours of sleep at a time during the night. He gave us one blissful day of 7 hours. He's such a tease! But let me tell you, Andrew and I were in hog heaven that day because we were both functioning with a decent amount of sleep. It's the little things in life I need to make me happy.
He's growing quickly albeit still wearing newborn clothing. He's the only child who has actually worn newborn clothing outside of the hospital. With Jackson, newborn stuff didn't even fit him in the hospital. I'm sure he'll grow out of it soon because the length is starting to get a smidge tight.
His eyes are still a dark blue, but his hair is slowly lightening up. It has a hint of red in it, but who knows what color it will actually turn out. Everyone knows baby's hair and eyes can change from when they are born. His hair also just stands up on end after a bath. It's pretty amusing and reminds me of Andrew's hair. I still think he'll be are changeling baby, and Andrew just smiles and laughs when I say it.
Life in our household is still adjusting to having three children. Jackson and Cullen still walk over and try to jump over Sawyer when he's on the floor. A lot of poking and pointing still goes on. I have made a few successful trips to various places with all three kids. It is possible.
Here's a picture of 1 month old Sawyer.
Sawyer is doing very well for being one month old. He's getting 5-6 hours of sleep at a time during the night. He gave us one blissful day of 7 hours. He's such a tease! But let me tell you, Andrew and I were in hog heaven that day because we were both functioning with a decent amount of sleep. It's the little things in life I need to make me happy.
He's growing quickly albeit still wearing newborn clothing. He's the only child who has actually worn newborn clothing outside of the hospital. With Jackson, newborn stuff didn't even fit him in the hospital. I'm sure he'll grow out of it soon because the length is starting to get a smidge tight.
His eyes are still a dark blue, but his hair is slowly lightening up. It has a hint of red in it, but who knows what color it will actually turn out. Everyone knows baby's hair and eyes can change from when they are born. His hair also just stands up on end after a bath. It's pretty amusing and reminds me of Andrew's hair. I still think he'll be are changeling baby, and Andrew just smiles and laughs when I say it.
Life in our household is still adjusting to having three children. Jackson and Cullen still walk over and try to jump over Sawyer when he's on the floor. A lot of poking and pointing still goes on. I have made a few successful trips to various places with all three kids. It is possible.
Here's a picture of 1 month old Sawyer.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Sleep? What's that?!
I'm tired. Check that, I'm exhausted, dog-tired, flagging, tuckered-out, worn out, and every other imaginable synonym for tired. (Yes, I looked up tired in the thesaurus.)
Having a newborn waking up for night feedings while still trying to keep up with a 3 year old and 2 year old during the day along with all the rest of the household chores is starting to take a toll. You never realize how much you are taking on until its too late. I took on having and raising 3 young children while trying to keep my house looking halfway decent.
What is this mysterious thing called sleep that is constantly alluding Andrew and myself. If we were just dealing with night feedings with Sawyer, it wouldn't be too bad. Unfortunately, Cullen decided to start teething his upper molars and is waking up in the middle of the night. I can't just have a child I can cuddle a little and put right back to bed. Oh no, I have the child who hates teething with a passion and lets his parents undoubtedly know it. Case in point, I found Cullen crying on the couch last night around midnight. We are dealing with Cullen waking us up along with Sawyer's feedings. It may not sound like a lot, but if you've ever gone through something similar to it, you know how exhausting it becomes after awhile.
I'm hoping God will have mercy on us and let Cullen's teeth break through in the very near future. And with that, he'll start sleeping through the night again. We've been going like this for awhile now, as in since Sawyer was born. Andrew and I have started living off coffee and sheer determination things will get better. It's the only thing that could possibly keep us motivated. And coffee is the greatest discovery ever! (Especially Harry and David coffee)
I'm tired, and I know I look tired. Do me a favor, just lie and say I look great. A little white lie never hurt me when I need it most.
If this post makes no sense, now you know why. I need sleep! On a good note, I did yoga yesterday to help get back in shape. Small steps!
And he's just another random picture of Sawyer.
Having a newborn waking up for night feedings while still trying to keep up with a 3 year old and 2 year old during the day along with all the rest of the household chores is starting to take a toll. You never realize how much you are taking on until its too late. I took on having and raising 3 young children while trying to keep my house looking halfway decent.
What is this mysterious thing called sleep that is constantly alluding Andrew and myself. If we were just dealing with night feedings with Sawyer, it wouldn't be too bad. Unfortunately, Cullen decided to start teething his upper molars and is waking up in the middle of the night. I can't just have a child I can cuddle a little and put right back to bed. Oh no, I have the child who hates teething with a passion and lets his parents undoubtedly know it. Case in point, I found Cullen crying on the couch last night around midnight. We are dealing with Cullen waking us up along with Sawyer's feedings. It may not sound like a lot, but if you've ever gone through something similar to it, you know how exhausting it becomes after awhile.
I'm hoping God will have mercy on us and let Cullen's teeth break through in the very near future. And with that, he'll start sleeping through the night again. We've been going like this for awhile now, as in since Sawyer was born. Andrew and I have started living off coffee and sheer determination things will get better. It's the only thing that could possibly keep us motivated. And coffee is the greatest discovery ever! (Especially Harry and David coffee)
I'm tired, and I know I look tired. Do me a favor, just lie and say I look great. A little white lie never hurt me when I need it most.
If this post makes no sense, now you know why. I need sleep! On a good note, I did yoga yesterday to help get back in shape. Small steps!
And he's just another random picture of Sawyer.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Confession Time
I totally hid my kids' Halloween candy from them and am still eating it.
It's not completely as bad as it sounds. I was giving them a piece of candy if they finished all of their lunch and dinner. Then a few days after Halloween, I went into labor and had Sawyer. After being in the hospital for a couple of days recovering, then bringing home a newborn and adjusting, I completely forgot about the kids' Halloween candy.
About a week ago, I was going to get the boys' lunch boxes off the top of the refrigerator when the bag of Halloween candy fell off and nearly hit me in the head. I was more surprised than anything. I had completely forgotten I had put it up there so the boys wouldn't constantly go in the pantry and pull stuff out. I just started pulling a couple of pieces out a day and munching on them, not really thinking about it. Andrew saw me last week pull the bag down, rifle through it, and pull a piece out. He said, "So that's where you've been hiding the candy. I was wondering where it went." He then proceeded to have a piece to two a day too.
I hadn't realized until Andrew said something; I really had been hiding the candy even if subconsciously. I used to only eat two pieces of candy a day when I was a kid in order to stretch it out. I was never one to dive in and eat it all in a short period of time. I wanted to savor what I got for an extended about of time. I guess I decided to do the same thing with my kids' candy even if I accidentally left them out of my plan.
I can say I have started sharing some with them over the past couple of days. Seeing as they were the ones who walked around the neighborhood to collect it, they do deserve it. Plus, Jackson caught me eating candy, so I felt he deserved to have a piece. I did feel a twinge of guilt when I realized I was hording their Halloween candy for myself. But trust me, the guilt didn't last long, and I'm still eating the candy.
It's not completely as bad as it sounds. I was giving them a piece of candy if they finished all of their lunch and dinner. Then a few days after Halloween, I went into labor and had Sawyer. After being in the hospital for a couple of days recovering, then bringing home a newborn and adjusting, I completely forgot about the kids' Halloween candy.
About a week ago, I was going to get the boys' lunch boxes off the top of the refrigerator when the bag of Halloween candy fell off and nearly hit me in the head. I was more surprised than anything. I had completely forgotten I had put it up there so the boys wouldn't constantly go in the pantry and pull stuff out. I just started pulling a couple of pieces out a day and munching on them, not really thinking about it. Andrew saw me last week pull the bag down, rifle through it, and pull a piece out. He said, "So that's where you've been hiding the candy. I was wondering where it went." He then proceeded to have a piece to two a day too.
I hadn't realized until Andrew said something; I really had been hiding the candy even if subconsciously. I used to only eat two pieces of candy a day when I was a kid in order to stretch it out. I was never one to dive in and eat it all in a short period of time. I wanted to savor what I got for an extended about of time. I guess I decided to do the same thing with my kids' candy even if I accidentally left them out of my plan.
I can say I have started sharing some with them over the past couple of days. Seeing as they were the ones who walked around the neighborhood to collect it, they do deserve it. Plus, Jackson caught me eating candy, so I felt he deserved to have a piece. I did feel a twinge of guilt when I realized I was hording their Halloween candy for myself. But trust me, the guilt didn't last long, and I'm still eating the candy.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Whack a Head
Andrew was looking for a bouncy ball for Cullen in one of the kitchen drawers. Because we have so much junk in a couple of our drawers, its amazing what we find when looking for something else. Andrew happened to find the baby sunglasses we used when we took Cullen to the pool the summer before last.
Seeing the sunglasses, Andrew put them on Cullen, who by the way was super excited to have the sunglasses on.
I was feeding Sawyer in the living room while this was all going on in the kitchen. Andrew tells Cullen to go show Mommy. I hear Cullen start running, then hear a really loud whack reverberated up against the kitchen cabinet. The loud whack was soon followed by a child crying.
As soon as I heard it, I knew exactly what happened. Cullen, excited and running to show me his sunglasses, ran straight into a kitchen cabinet head first. Not only did he run into a cabinet, Andrew witnessed him running straight into the knob of the kitchen cabinet.
Of course being the good parents that we are, we are busting up laughing. Andrew said, "He had a good foot and half clearance to go around the cabinet, but he ran straight into it!"
The funniest part is Cullen can see just fine with the sunglasses on. We asked him to go pick up a small toy on the other side of the room to test this theory, and he did it. So my son can see a small toy 10 feet away, but a large kitchen cabinet with knob that has been stationary from the day he was born, he runs right into!
Seeing the sunglasses, Andrew put them on Cullen, who by the way was super excited to have the sunglasses on.
I was feeding Sawyer in the living room while this was all going on in the kitchen. Andrew tells Cullen to go show Mommy. I hear Cullen start running, then hear a really loud whack reverberated up against the kitchen cabinet. The loud whack was soon followed by a child crying.
As soon as I heard it, I knew exactly what happened. Cullen, excited and running to show me his sunglasses, ran straight into a kitchen cabinet head first. Not only did he run into a cabinet, Andrew witnessed him running straight into the knob of the kitchen cabinet.
Of course being the good parents that we are, we are busting up laughing. Andrew said, "He had a good foot and half clearance to go around the cabinet, but he ran straight into it!"
The funniest part is Cullen can see just fine with the sunglasses on. We asked him to go pick up a small toy on the other side of the room to test this theory, and he did it. So my son can see a small toy 10 feet away, but a large kitchen cabinet with knob that has been stationary from the day he was born, he runs right into!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Memorable Thanksgivings
Yesterday was Thanksgiving, a time to be thankful for all we have. And in my opinion, it was the kickoff to the holiday seasons.
As far as Thanksgiving goes, ours was pretty low key. I made jamabalaya Wednesday and let it soak up all the extra flavor over night. Andrew barbequed our turkey on the grill, and it turned out to be excellent and easy. We might be doing that more often for the holidays. I made homemade mac and cheese, but it was fancy with three cheeses and baked. I also made homemade apple pie Thursday morning. We watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in the morning and took the boys bike riding in the afternoon. Nothing too spectacular happened which is exactly the way I like it.
Andrew and I have also decided the holiday season was way more fun when we were kids. We didn't have to worry about stuff like cooking, cleaning, traditions, taking care of children, and generally the huge stresses that holidays bring.
We started talking about memorable Thanksgivings we had as kids. I'll share two of my more memorable Thanksgivings.
The first was when I woke up Thanksgiving morning to a white Thanksgiving. We lived in Maryland, and it snowed 4-6 inches the night before and the entire area was completely covered in snow. It was my own Winter Wonderland. I remember looking out the window of my bedroom on the second floor to see the completely undisturbed snow and remembering how beautiful it looked. I can to this day bring up that picture in my mind at any time. I must have taken a mental picture that day and remember every single detail to how big the trees were in the front yard to how the branches were covered in snow, and seeing the blanket of snow over our cul de sac and all the driveways. Gorgeous and peaceful are the best words to describe it.
My second most memborable is when we had my Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, and Granny up from Florida for Thanksgiving. My brother and cousin had the wonderful idea of putting on a Thanksgiving play. Unfortunately, it was immortalized on video and we have yet to be able to live it down. Especially, my brother who stole one of my five lines in the play. Then my Granny fell asleep in the house while we were all outside riding bikes and the turkey was cooking. I think it was the fire alarm that had at least my mom or dad running in the house to find out the oven was smoking and had almost caught on fire. Granny didn't notice and the alarm didn't wake her up, so we almost burned down the house that Thanksgiving. Then there was the Thanksgiving song my Uncle decided to sing at the dinner table. "Happy Thanksgiving to Us!" is now officially immortalized on video as well including my cousin almost hitting him with a turkey leg for continuing to sing it and make my brother laugh. Ah! Family! Gotta love 'em! And that's just a small branch on my huge tree of extended family!
Those will always be two Thanksgivings I will remember. I'm hoping my boys will have a couple of memorable Thanksgivings like I did. And hopefully none of them will entail almost burning the house down.
As far as Thanksgiving goes, ours was pretty low key. I made jamabalaya Wednesday and let it soak up all the extra flavor over night. Andrew barbequed our turkey on the grill, and it turned out to be excellent and easy. We might be doing that more often for the holidays. I made homemade mac and cheese, but it was fancy with three cheeses and baked. I also made homemade apple pie Thursday morning. We watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in the morning and took the boys bike riding in the afternoon. Nothing too spectacular happened which is exactly the way I like it.
Andrew and I have also decided the holiday season was way more fun when we were kids. We didn't have to worry about stuff like cooking, cleaning, traditions, taking care of children, and generally the huge stresses that holidays bring.
We started talking about memorable Thanksgivings we had as kids. I'll share two of my more memorable Thanksgivings.
The first was when I woke up Thanksgiving morning to a white Thanksgiving. We lived in Maryland, and it snowed 4-6 inches the night before and the entire area was completely covered in snow. It was my own Winter Wonderland. I remember looking out the window of my bedroom on the second floor to see the completely undisturbed snow and remembering how beautiful it looked. I can to this day bring up that picture in my mind at any time. I must have taken a mental picture that day and remember every single detail to how big the trees were in the front yard to how the branches were covered in snow, and seeing the blanket of snow over our cul de sac and all the driveways. Gorgeous and peaceful are the best words to describe it.
My second most memborable is when we had my Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, and Granny up from Florida for Thanksgiving. My brother and cousin had the wonderful idea of putting on a Thanksgiving play. Unfortunately, it was immortalized on video and we have yet to be able to live it down. Especially, my brother who stole one of my five lines in the play. Then my Granny fell asleep in the house while we were all outside riding bikes and the turkey was cooking. I think it was the fire alarm that had at least my mom or dad running in the house to find out the oven was smoking and had almost caught on fire. Granny didn't notice and the alarm didn't wake her up, so we almost burned down the house that Thanksgiving. Then there was the Thanksgiving song my Uncle decided to sing at the dinner table. "Happy Thanksgiving to Us!" is now officially immortalized on video as well including my cousin almost hitting him with a turkey leg for continuing to sing it and make my brother laugh. Ah! Family! Gotta love 'em! And that's just a small branch on my huge tree of extended family!
Those will always be two Thanksgivings I will remember. I'm hoping my boys will have a couple of memorable Thanksgivings like I did. And hopefully none of them will entail almost burning the house down.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Dressed and Ready for Bed (kinda)
Last week, we were all getting ready for bed after bath time. Andrew was doing something in the kitchen, so I was getting the boys dressed for bed. I was in Cullen's room putting his diaper and pajamas on when I shouted to Jackson to pick out a pair of underwear.
I go about continuing to wrestle Cullen down on the floor in order to get him dressed. Next thing I know Jackson walks in the room and announces he dressed and ready for bed. I'm elated! He got himself dressed and ready for bed completely by himself. Yes, I think, progress!
Then I turn around and see how he's dressed. He has his fleece winter hat and gloves on. That's it. Completely buck naked, but his hands and head will be warm.
Right then, Andrew walks into Cullen's room and sees this as well. We just both bust up laughing. Andrew asked if he picked out his outfit, and Jackson proudly says, "Yes!" It was too funny of a sight not to laugh especially when we've had lack of sleep from bringing Sawyer home.
It seems like not matter what, at least one of our children will provide comic relief in our lives. I'd rather laugh than cry any day!
I go about continuing to wrestle Cullen down on the floor in order to get him dressed. Next thing I know Jackson walks in the room and announces he dressed and ready for bed. I'm elated! He got himself dressed and ready for bed completely by himself. Yes, I think, progress!
Then I turn around and see how he's dressed. He has his fleece winter hat and gloves on. That's it. Completely buck naked, but his hands and head will be warm.
Right then, Andrew walks into Cullen's room and sees this as well. We just both bust up laughing. Andrew asked if he picked out his outfit, and Jackson proudly says, "Yes!" It was too funny of a sight not to laugh especially when we've had lack of sleep from bringing Sawyer home.
It seems like not matter what, at least one of our children will provide comic relief in our lives. I'd rather laugh than cry any day!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Alone with 3!
Yesterday was my first day alone with all three boys. Luckily, I had a slight reprieve because Jackson and Cullen had preschool in the morning.
Getting out of the house was another matter all together. I got up early which didn't seem to make a difference at all. I still never would have gotten Jackson and Cullen fed, dressed, cleaned up, and overall looking presentable and gotten lunches ready if not for Andrew going into work late. I decided I need to readjust my routine on preschool mornings with the boys. Adding Sawyer's morning feeding, diaper change, and wake time threw a major kink into the normal morning routine. I'll get it figured out eventually. It just might take awhile.
After finally getting the boys off to school (on time too!), Sawyer and I went to the grocery store. I am a complete klutz especially when I'm tired. I was almost done shopping when I ran right into another person's cart while walking through the store. Luckily, the person was not anywhere around and minimal people actually saw it. I decided then and there I must be more tired then I thought. I finished up my shopping quickly and headed out the store.
The afternoon went surprisingly smooth. We played, ate snack, and the kids generally were well behaved. Sawyer was wide awake for the majority of the afternoon. I don't blame him. After being almost trampled and hit with several toys, I would be on the lookout too.
Now onto several more days and years raising three boys. I'm hoping to survive it!
Getting out of the house was another matter all together. I got up early which didn't seem to make a difference at all. I still never would have gotten Jackson and Cullen fed, dressed, cleaned up, and overall looking presentable and gotten lunches ready if not for Andrew going into work late. I decided I need to readjust my routine on preschool mornings with the boys. Adding Sawyer's morning feeding, diaper change, and wake time threw a major kink into the normal morning routine. I'll get it figured out eventually. It just might take awhile.
After finally getting the boys off to school (on time too!), Sawyer and I went to the grocery store. I am a complete klutz especially when I'm tired. I was almost done shopping when I ran right into another person's cart while walking through the store. Luckily, the person was not anywhere around and minimal people actually saw it. I decided then and there I must be more tired then I thought. I finished up my shopping quickly and headed out the store.
The afternoon went surprisingly smooth. We played, ate snack, and the kids generally were well behaved. Sawyer was wide awake for the majority of the afternoon. I don't blame him. After being almost trampled and hit with several toys, I would be on the lookout too.
Now onto several more days and years raising three boys. I'm hoping to survive it!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Pictures of Sawyer
For some reason, my blog site would let me load pictures correctly for a few days. They got all twisted around with not way to rotate them back. I'm not sure what got fixed because all that matters is it got fixed. Here are some pictures of all the boys.
All of our sons |
Although Jackson may not look happy, he loves holding Sawyer. |
Breakfast the other day at the house. |
Sawyer right after his first bath. His hair is standing staight up and still is. Looks like he inherited Andrew's hair. |
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Adjusting to a New Baby
If you've ever brought a new baby home, you are well aware of the adjustment period the entire household goes through. Our household is no different. Andrew and I are trying to keep Jackson and Cullen's schedule as normal as possible while still taking care of Sawyer.
Jackson has been great with Sawyer. He loves sitting with him on the floor and sharing his toys. He knows to be gentle. Its nice because when Cullen was born Jackson could have cared less. Its good to see the evidence he has grown up some.
Cullen, on the other hand, is a typical two year old. He constantly calls Sawyer 'the baby' and always tells me where the baby is. Unfortunately, he's also given me a run for my money the past few days. I found him twice in the crib with Sawyer after he had crawled in. I about had a heart attack. I walked away from Cullen for 30 seconds which was all it took for him to run into the bedroom and climb into the crib. And lifting Cullen out of the crib just four days postpartum takes a lot more effort than you can imagine. Cullen also likes to get up close and personal with Sawyer, and we keep reminding him to be gentle and no poking!
Life as we know is constantly changing, and we are trying to just go with the flow.
Jackson has been great with Sawyer. He loves sitting with him on the floor and sharing his toys. He knows to be gentle. Its nice because when Cullen was born Jackson could have cared less. Its good to see the evidence he has grown up some.
Cullen, on the other hand, is a typical two year old. He constantly calls Sawyer 'the baby' and always tells me where the baby is. Unfortunately, he's also given me a run for my money the past few days. I found him twice in the crib with Sawyer after he had crawled in. I about had a heart attack. I walked away from Cullen for 30 seconds which was all it took for him to run into the bedroom and climb into the crib. And lifting Cullen out of the crib just four days postpartum takes a lot more effort than you can imagine. Cullen also likes to get up close and personal with Sawyer, and we keep reminding him to be gentle and no poking!
Life as we know is constantly changing, and we are trying to just go with the flow.
I'm trying to post a picture of Sawyer close up, but for some reason its not downloading properly. I'll keep trying.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Touch a Truck and Sawyer was Born!
Just one of many I have of Jackson and Cullen around the trucks. |
We got home around lunch time, and I wasn't feeling great. I was uncomfortable and just wanted to sit down and rest. After sitting and resting for awhile, I started noticing I was having irregular contractions. I just chalked it up to Braxton Hicks. After about an hour, my contractions got more regular and closer together. Around 2pm, I called my friend Jessica to see if she would be available to watch the boys in case I had to go to the hospital. I knew I was going labor. Luckily, Jess said she could watch the kids and just to let her know.
About an hour later, my contractions were coming consistently 3-4 minutes apart. Andrew and I knew I needed to go to the hospital. I finished packing up my bag (and yet I still forgot things, so typical) and Jessica came over. Andrew and I were off to the hospital about 3:30pm. I was observed for about an hour before I was officially admitted.
After being admitted, I had to wait to get my epidural because the nurses wanted to pump me full of an IV bag worth of fluids first. This was after it took three attempts to get an IV line in me (I now have a series of bruises to attest to the previous attempts).
I finally received my epidural about 7pm. Unfortunately, I had a reaction to the epidural this time around. My blood pressure plummeted, got the shakes, and my fingers went numb due to my low blood pressure. Although completely within the normal range of reactions for an epidural, it was the first time I had a reaction. I was told it was because the anesthesiologist must have pumped me full a good dose of medicine. I also learned later I was dehydrated which didn't help with my low blood pressure.
After I was stabilized, the nurses checked me. I was 5cm, and they decided to break my water. This was about 9:25pm. From here, everything flew by. I was fully dilated a little after 10pm. I was pushing around 10:15 or 10:20pm. The nurses asked how long it had taken to push out my other two kids. With Jackson, it took 40 minutes. With Cullen, it took 10 seconds or 1 push.
I only remember pushing about 5 or 6 times. The nurses were trying to find my doctor and telling me not to push anymore. I had two saying just breathe through, don't push. I answered, "I'm not pushing. I promise." Apparently, Sawyer didn't care if the doctor was there and I wasn't pushing. He was going to come out regardless. I was told by Andrew, by the time my doctor came in, Sawyer's head was completely out. I didn't even have to push again. My doctor manipulated his shoulders out.
Our newest little baby boy, Sawyer Matthew Ingalls, was born Saturday, November 3, 2012 at 10:32pm. He weighed 6lbs 10oz and 19 inches long.
I was discharged from the hospital Monday morning, and we have been adjusting to our newest addition. I'm sure I'll be posting on all our nuances in the near future. For now here are some more pictures.
Andrew feeding Sawyer on Sunday. |
Jackson insisted on holding Sawyer at the hospital. |
Both boys are fascinated with their baby brother. |
Thursday, November 1, 2012
It's November! Only 20 more days until my due date. Yea!
Yesterday was, obviously, Halloween. The boys both had parties in their respective classes at preschool, then went trick or treating at night. Andrew took the boys trick or treating while I stayed home to pass at candy.
Is one parent going with the kids and the other staying home to pass out candy a foreign concept to anyone but us? Seriously, I couldn't tell you how many times I saw both parents out with their kids. Andrew even said a bunch of houses weren't passing out candy because both parents were gone with their kids. That is how it always was when I was a kid. My dad would take my brother and I trick or treating and mom would stay home. And what is up with taking kids that can't walk yet or are still on a bottle trick or treating? I understand dressing them up in costumes, but it's not like the kids are going to be eating the candy they get (yes, I'm on to you people who think they are so slick). We didn't let either boy start trick or treating until they were 2. Maybe this is my foreign concept of parenting.
Let me get off my bandwagon, and just get to the pictures.
Yesterday was, obviously, Halloween. The boys both had parties in their respective classes at preschool, then went trick or treating at night. Andrew took the boys trick or treating while I stayed home to pass at candy.
Is one parent going with the kids and the other staying home to pass out candy a foreign concept to anyone but us? Seriously, I couldn't tell you how many times I saw both parents out with their kids. Andrew even said a bunch of houses weren't passing out candy because both parents were gone with their kids. That is how it always was when I was a kid. My dad would take my brother and I trick or treating and mom would stay home. And what is up with taking kids that can't walk yet or are still on a bottle trick or treating? I understand dressing them up in costumes, but it's not like the kids are going to be eating the candy they get (yes, I'm on to you people who think they are so slick). We didn't let either boy start trick or treating until they were 2. Maybe this is my foreign concept of parenting.
Let me get off my bandwagon, and just get to the pictures.
Cullen enjoying his Hi-C and cupcake at preschool. |
Jackson playing a game at his preschool party. |
About to get started trick or treating with Dad! |
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Grandpa, Costumes, and Games
Last Friday, Grandpa helped me take Jackson and Cullen down to Andrew's work where they had the annual Children Halloween Party. I was very thankful for Grandpa and Andrew's help. I definitely could not have done it alone. The boys played some circus games and had a hot dog. They got to dress up in their Halloween costumes. I let Jackson pick out his costume this year. He's Ironman. Cullen is Maverick from Top Gun. Yes, I recycled this costume from last year because A) It's still good and B) Because Maverick from Top Gun is awesome! (And if you think otherwise, something is seriously wrong with you.)
Andrew will be taking them out trick or treating tomorrow night while I stay home and hand out candy. They will also have their annual Halloween parties at preschool. I usually take them to the City's Fall Fun Fest, but since they have preschool, we won't be able to attend this year. I'm not sure who is more bummed out, me or the boys. Probably me.
Here are a few pictures of Grandpa's visit and the boys in their costumes.
Ironman and Maverick! |
Jackson playing Tiger Toss. He actually got 2 out of 3 through the ring.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Happy Birthday Cullen!
Although, I took this picture a few weeks ago, it seems to capture Cullen's personality the best. |
To my current youngest son, you have been a joy to our family. You bless us everyday with your smile, laughter, and mischievous looks. You definitely do not make life dull around here. Combined with your older brother, I can see you two getting into more trouble as you get older. I look forward to thwarting your plans and rewarding the good behavior I know is in you somewhere. I hope you continue to grow and will be as kind to your younger brother as I know you can be. I look forward to seeing your vivacious personality to continue to develop over time. Your father and I love you very much Cullen!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Jackson Quotes
A couple of quotes from Jackson.
"I have a lot of toots in my butt!"
It took everything in my will power not to bust out laughing when he told me this after he had let out a very loud and long toot yesterday. Of course, I texted Andrew the quote because I had to share! I bet you parents of little girls don't have the joys of these conversations.
"You be good at work Daddy!"
Jackson said this to Andrew this morning after we had to been telling him to be good at school. He's in the 'I'm testing my boundaries phase.' He's quickly learning Mom and Dad don't put up with certain things unless he likes losing his toys and sitting in time out. Gotta love 3 year olds!
"I have a lot of toots in my butt!"
It took everything in my will power not to bust out laughing when he told me this after he had let out a very loud and long toot yesterday. Of course, I texted Andrew the quote because I had to share! I bet you parents of little girls don't have the joys of these conversations.
"You be good at work Daddy!"
Jackson said this to Andrew this morning after we had to been telling him to be good at school. He's in the 'I'm testing my boundaries phase.' He's quickly learning Mom and Dad don't put up with certain things unless he likes losing his toys and sitting in time out. Gotta love 3 year olds!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Pumpkin Carving
This past Sunday we finally carved out some time to carve up the pumpkin (no pun intended). Jackson and Cullen were very excited about helping out. Both boys decided Andrew needed help cutting out the top and tried to grab the knife. After several explanations on why they were too young to play with knives, Andrew was finally able to cut the top off.
Then the fun part came, pulling out all the seeds and insides of the pumpkin. Jackson was not into sticking his hand into the pumpkin and grabbing the seeds and innards. He refused to do after the first time and insisted on washing his hands. Cullen, on the other hand, didn't mind at all. After awhile, hands weren't working, so the boys used a spoon which Jackson was fine with using. The kid who likes playing in mud didn't want to dirty his hands with pumpkin, go figure!
After the innards were emptied, Andrew carved out a face while Jackson and Cullen colored on smaller decorative pumpkins.
Meanwhile, I took the time to separate the pumpkin seeds to clean, flavor and toast them. I made cinnamon and sugar pumpkin seeds and savory pumpkin seeds. They actually turned out really good once I figured out what I was doing wrong. In case you are toasting pumpkin seeds, do not forget to coat them in some olive oil before putting them into the oven. This allows the seeds to toast up in a lovely brown color and keeps the seasoning on them. Yes, they turned out great once I realized I had forgotten to put olive oil on them.
Pumpkin carving, coloring, and seed baking was a lot of fun for the kids! Of course, I don't have a picture of the final pumpkin, but really, I'm just about 35 weeks pregnant. Give me some slack!
The only time Jackson put his hand in the pumpkin. |
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Pumpkin Patch 2012
It's been awhile since I've written or posted anything on the blog. Time and life got away from me, but I'll try to come back this week.
My brother, Matt, came into town on Sunday and left this morning. Even though it was short visit, it was nice seeing him again. It has been awhile since we've seen each other since he moved out of state for a job earlier this year.
Jackson and Cullen had blast with Uncle Matt. Since Monday was Columbus Day, the boys had off from school. We went to a park Monday morning. The boys ran around like crazy and burned a lot of energy. In the afternoon, we went over to a local pumpkin patch at the Episcopal church to get a few pumpkins.
They had rows and rows of pumpkins from small decorative ones to large carving pumpkins. Jackson and Cullen had a blast running around the pumpkins and trying to pick up ones bigger than they were. Here are a few pictures from the Pumpkin Patch.
My brother, Matt, came into town on Sunday and left this morning. Even though it was short visit, it was nice seeing him again. It has been awhile since we've seen each other since he moved out of state for a job earlier this year.
Jackson and Cullen had blast with Uncle Matt. Since Monday was Columbus Day, the boys had off from school. We went to a park Monday morning. The boys ran around like crazy and burned a lot of energy. In the afternoon, we went over to a local pumpkin patch at the Episcopal church to get a few pumpkins.
They had rows and rows of pumpkins from small decorative ones to large carving pumpkins. Jackson and Cullen had a blast running around the pumpkins and trying to pick up ones bigger than they were. Here are a few pictures from the Pumpkin Patch.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Baby Ingalls Finally has a Name
After months of discussion, disagreements, suggestions, bad names, and a whole lot of laughs, Andrew and I have finally decided on a name for Baby Ingalls #3.
Sawyer Matthew Ingalls
Now we will have a Jackson, Cullen and Sawyer in our Ingalls Man Clan. I'm sure Sawyer will be just as rough and tumble as his brothers.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Dog Loving
Saying Cullen loves our dogs is an understatement. His second word was dog. He wakes up every morning to go torture the dogs in their crates. He loves playing with them even though the word gentle is not in is dictionary yet. Although I have to admit, he has gotten a lot better lately about gently petting them.
Cullen especially loves to aggravate Thibie, our black cocker spaniel. Thibie starts growling and playing back with him. He loves getting a rise out of her, and honestly, it's not too hard for him or anyone to do. Over the weekend, Thibie tried to escape Cullen by jumping up on the living room chair. Cullen, seeing it as more of a challenge than anything else, climbed right up with her. Here are a couple pictures I was able to capture.
Cullen especially loves to aggravate Thibie, our black cocker spaniel. Thibie starts growling and playing back with him. He loves getting a rise out of her, and honestly, it's not too hard for him or anyone to do. Over the weekend, Thibie tried to escape Cullen by jumping up on the living room chair. Cullen, seeing it as more of a challenge than anything else, climbed right up with her. Here are a couple pictures I was able to capture.
Cullen giving Thibie some hugs. Thibie's face is saying, "Get this child off of me." |
Then Cullen decided to aggravate her, so Thibie gave as good as she got. No child was harmed in the taking of this picture. If anything, Cullen laughed even harder and did it again. |
Monday, September 24, 2012
Backseat Driver
Saturday morning was pretty busy for us. We were out of the house by 8:15am and headed over to the flu shot clinic our Pediatrician's office was holding. We weren't exactly sure how busy they were going to be since it was the last one they had on schedule. It ended up now being very crowded at all. Jackson got his nasal mist. Cullen received his shot (with only a whisper of a cry!). We were in and out in 15 minutes! Success!
Afterward, Andrew and I took the kids over to Cracker Barrel for a late breakfast. Surprisingly enough, we were seated right away. The kids were really good. Only one small milk spillage, but I'll admit it was my fault. I didn't get Cullen's lid on all the way the first time. Jackson needed to use the potty while we waited for our food to arrive. Andrew took him. You know how Cracker Barrel has the stoplight by the entrance to the bathrooms. I was told Jackson would not go past the stoplight until it turned green. As he told Andrew, "Green is go, and red is stop." I thought it was funny. Andrew wasn't so much amused because he had to deal with it.
After breakfast, we took the kids to the park. It was National Hunting and Fishing Day, so there were a few activities. Jackson got to play on a couple of inflatables while I had to take Cullen away from them. He just wasn't big enough to play with all the older kids there. After awhile, we headed home. They did have air rifles and bows the kids could shoot, but we opted out. Something about my 3 year old shooting was not settling right with me. Yep, we live in Texas.
As Andrew is pulling up into the garage, he accidentally clipped the garbage can with the side view mirror. It was barely a clip but just noticeable enough to warrant an Oops.
Later that evening, we came home from Mass and pulled into the driveway. As Andrew is waiting for the garage door to finish opening, Jackson pipes up from the back and says, "Don't hit the garbage can Daddy!"
I started laughing out loud. Andrew threw the car into park, looked over his shoulder and said, "Do you want to drive? Think you can do better?" Of course he is saying this with a smirk on his face, but I couldn't help laughing even harder! That little stinker remembers a barely clipped garbage can from early in the day so he makes sure Daddy doesn't do it again. Priceless!
Afterward, Andrew and I took the kids over to Cracker Barrel for a late breakfast. Surprisingly enough, we were seated right away. The kids were really good. Only one small milk spillage, but I'll admit it was my fault. I didn't get Cullen's lid on all the way the first time. Jackson needed to use the potty while we waited for our food to arrive. Andrew took him. You know how Cracker Barrel has the stoplight by the entrance to the bathrooms. I was told Jackson would not go past the stoplight until it turned green. As he told Andrew, "Green is go, and red is stop." I thought it was funny. Andrew wasn't so much amused because he had to deal with it.
After breakfast, we took the kids to the park. It was National Hunting and Fishing Day, so there were a few activities. Jackson got to play on a couple of inflatables while I had to take Cullen away from them. He just wasn't big enough to play with all the older kids there. After awhile, we headed home. They did have air rifles and bows the kids could shoot, but we opted out. Something about my 3 year old shooting was not settling right with me. Yep, we live in Texas.
As Andrew is pulling up into the garage, he accidentally clipped the garbage can with the side view mirror. It was barely a clip but just noticeable enough to warrant an Oops.
Later that evening, we came home from Mass and pulled into the driveway. As Andrew is waiting for the garage door to finish opening, Jackson pipes up from the back and says, "Don't hit the garbage can Daddy!"
I started laughing out loud. Andrew threw the car into park, looked over his shoulder and said, "Do you want to drive? Think you can do better?" Of course he is saying this with a smirk on his face, but I couldn't help laughing even harder! That little stinker remembers a barely clipped garbage can from early in the day so he makes sure Daddy doesn't do it again. Priceless!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Terrible Twos VS Troublesome Threes
Round 1. Ding Ding Ding!
Which one is worse? My opinion is 3 year olds. Whoever said two year olds are the hardest to deal with is crazy and has obviously never had a three year old.
Two year olds are all sunshine, sweet smiles, and giggles. Three year olds have an opinion and are NOT afraid to let you know it. You can still hide items from a two year old (or at least a young one); they forget about it and go play with something else. Not so much with a three year old. They remember everything, even things you wish they would forget (aka those certain four letter words that accidentally slip out every now and then). Take a toy away and hide it, they will hound you until they decide you are standing firm in the stance of 'you are not getting it back to learn a lesson' or 'yes, I'll give it back just to stop the whining!'
As another mom with a three year old recently said, "They have all these emotions and feelings going through them and sometimes they just have no idea how to express them. Then the tantrums start."
Such a true statement.
And you never quite know whats going to set them off. Something minor will be the end of the world. But something you consider major, you have the conscious thought of, "Ah hear it comes." Then nothing happens because they brush it off. And you are sitting there thinking, "What the hell just happened! This cannot be the same child that had a breakdown over XYZ." It is one of those mysterious things that I have put in the category of 'I'm not ever going to figure out this parenting gig because nothing makes a lick of sense. I'll just wing it from now on.'
It doesn't help me that I'm raising little men. Yes, they may be little boys or toddlers now, but one day they will grow to be men. And to this day, I still don't get men. I say this with a lot less shock now-a-days because I've just accepted it. Like my boys pulling down their pants and saying, "Look Mommy! It's my penis!" Then pulling up their pants and going on about their day like that is the most natural thing in the world. I don't understand it. You don't see girls whipping off their shirts saying, "Look, boobies!" Although, I'm sure the response would be way different.
Anyway, raising boys and having the troublesome threes are difficult, to say the least. I swear sometimes I wonder why I put myself through this. As a first time parent, you envision all the wonderful things with your children, then reality slaps you in the face with a Ha ha! you didn't think it would be that easy, did you?! Yet, here I am about to be a third time parent to three boys. I must be a glutton for punishment.
So back to my original dialogue, 3 year olds are much worse than 2 year olds. If you disagree, you must be one of those parents who say they have a perfect child who never gives them any trouble. If that is the case, I hate you. Don't lie to yourself any longer! Embrace the imperfectness of your own child. It's what makes them unique, and you human.
And if you agree or disagree with me, let me know. Its always fun to hear other people's opinions.
Which one is worse? My opinion is 3 year olds. Whoever said two year olds are the hardest to deal with is crazy and has obviously never had a three year old.
Two year olds are all sunshine, sweet smiles, and giggles. Three year olds have an opinion and are NOT afraid to let you know it. You can still hide items from a two year old (or at least a young one); they forget about it and go play with something else. Not so much with a three year old. They remember everything, even things you wish they would forget (aka those certain four letter words that accidentally slip out every now and then). Take a toy away and hide it, they will hound you until they decide you are standing firm in the stance of 'you are not getting it back to learn a lesson' or 'yes, I'll give it back just to stop the whining!'
As another mom with a three year old recently said, "They have all these emotions and feelings going through them and sometimes they just have no idea how to express them. Then the tantrums start."
Such a true statement.
And you never quite know whats going to set them off. Something minor will be the end of the world. But something you consider major, you have the conscious thought of, "Ah hear it comes." Then nothing happens because they brush it off. And you are sitting there thinking, "What the hell just happened! This cannot be the same child that had a breakdown over XYZ." It is one of those mysterious things that I have put in the category of 'I'm not ever going to figure out this parenting gig because nothing makes a lick of sense. I'll just wing it from now on.'
It doesn't help me that I'm raising little men. Yes, they may be little boys or toddlers now, but one day they will grow to be men. And to this day, I still don't get men. I say this with a lot less shock now-a-days because I've just accepted it. Like my boys pulling down their pants and saying, "Look Mommy! It's my penis!" Then pulling up their pants and going on about their day like that is the most natural thing in the world. I don't understand it. You don't see girls whipping off their shirts saying, "Look, boobies!" Although, I'm sure the response would be way different.
Anyway, raising boys and having the troublesome threes are difficult, to say the least. I swear sometimes I wonder why I put myself through this. As a first time parent, you envision all the wonderful things with your children, then reality slaps you in the face with a Ha ha! you didn't think it would be that easy, did you?! Yet, here I am about to be a third time parent to three boys. I must be a glutton for punishment.
So back to my original dialogue, 3 year olds are much worse than 2 year olds. If you disagree, you must be one of those parents who say they have a perfect child who never gives them any trouble. If that is the case, I hate you. Don't lie to yourself any longer! Embrace the imperfectness of your own child. It's what makes them unique, and you human.
And if you agree or disagree with me, let me know. Its always fun to hear other people's opinions.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Playing Doctor
Playing this afternoon, Jackson loudly announced, "I'm giving Cullen a check up. He needs a doctor's visit."
Since he doesn't have any play doctor toys, he improvised. A pair of play kitchen tongs were used as a stethoscope and to check Cullen's ears. Jackson also used them to check his hair. Although, it looked more like he was pretending to cut it. After unsuccessfully trying to look down Cullen's throat and me telling him to get his fingers out of Cullen's mouth, Jackson decided Cullen was healthy enough.
I guess he wanted to be like Uncle Matt for a little while.
Since he doesn't have any play doctor toys, he improvised. A pair of play kitchen tongs were used as a stethoscope and to check Cullen's ears. Jackson also used them to check his hair. Although, it looked more like he was pretending to cut it. After unsuccessfully trying to look down Cullen's throat and me telling him to get his fingers out of Cullen's mouth, Jackson decided Cullen was healthy enough.
I guess he wanted to be like Uncle Matt for a little while.
Monday, September 17, 2012
It rained! It rained!
A cold front (which means its only in the low 90s instead of the 100s) blew through here starting on Thursday and brought rain with it. It hasn't rained here in awhile, so we were pretty pumped.
Since the boys were born, we have been in some constant state of drought. Which means every time it rains, Jackson and Cullen love to just stand on the back porch or the edge of the garage and watch the rain come down. Pretty sad, isn't it? Also cute.
Friday evening, we were all sitting on the back porch watching the rain and thunderstorm. It was nice and cool enough for me to actually feel comfortable and not like I'm roasting on an open flame. All of the sudden a loud thunder boom went off.
"No, you be quiet!" Jackson shouted into the rain after the thunder.
Andrew and I looked at each other and started laughing. Of all things, Jackson (the child whose volume control is broken some days) is telling the thunderstorm to be quiet. If only he would follow his own directions at times.
A cold front (which means its only in the low 90s instead of the 100s) blew through here starting on Thursday and brought rain with it. It hasn't rained here in awhile, so we were pretty pumped.
Since the boys were born, we have been in some constant state of drought. Which means every time it rains, Jackson and Cullen love to just stand on the back porch or the edge of the garage and watch the rain come down. Pretty sad, isn't it? Also cute.
Friday evening, we were all sitting on the back porch watching the rain and thunderstorm. It was nice and cool enough for me to actually feel comfortable and not like I'm roasting on an open flame. All of the sudden a loud thunder boom went off.
"No, you be quiet!" Jackson shouted into the rain after the thunder.
Andrew and I looked at each other and started laughing. Of all things, Jackson (the child whose volume control is broken some days) is telling the thunderstorm to be quiet. If only he would follow his own directions at times.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Soccer Lessons
Andrew and I decided to get Jackson involved in sports lessons. Since most leagues start at the age of 5, I went looking for what was offered for toddlers. I found a couple of different options, but in the end decided on soccer lessons. I always had fun playing soccer and it teaches team play. Jackson had his first 'practice' on Wednesday. It is a class of 3-5 year olds.
It was quite amusing watching these kids run around a small field kicking a soccer ball. Mass chaos, but at least the kids were moving around, learning motor skills, and enjoying themselves. I'm pretty sure Jackson is one of the youngest in the class, but he did listen and pay attention. Cullen was desperate to join in too, so we had to keep heading him off before he ran onto the field. Next practice I have to remember to bring Cullen his own soccer ball, so at least he can kick a ball around with Andrew and I. I did remember to bring folding chairs, so I could sit down (go me!). Here are a few pictures from practice.
It was quite amusing watching these kids run around a small field kicking a soccer ball. Mass chaos, but at least the kids were moving around, learning motor skills, and enjoying themselves. I'm pretty sure Jackson is one of the youngest in the class, but he did listen and pay attention. Cullen was desperate to join in too, so we had to keep heading him off before he ran onto the field. Next practice I have to remember to bring Cullen his own soccer ball, so at least he can kick a ball around with Andrew and I. I did remember to bring folding chairs, so I could sit down (go me!). Here are a few pictures from practice.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
New Beds!
Cullen has been in a toddler bed for a little over a month now. Andrew and I decided to transition him early since we have the baby coming. We knew both boys would have to share a room, so the sooner we could get him used to a bed bed the better.
Originally, Andrew and I thought to get the boys a bunk bed. After thinking about it and how rowdy our two can be, we decided to look for twin beds instead. I could just envision a trip to the ER after someone decided it would be a good idea to jump (or push) another off the top bunk of the bed. I can hear myself explaining, why yes doctor he willingly jumped off the top bunk and started screaming. Yeah, I didn't want to risk it.
After searching high and low, new twin beds were finally found. The requirement of storage underneath was essential. Here are a couple pictures of Jackson and Cullen enjoying their new beds.
Originally, Andrew and I thought to get the boys a bunk bed. After thinking about it and how rowdy our two can be, we decided to look for twin beds instead. I could just envision a trip to the ER after someone decided it would be a good idea to jump (or push) another off the top bunk of the bed. I can hear myself explaining, why yes doctor he willingly jumped off the top bunk and started screaming. Yeah, I didn't want to risk it.
After searching high and low, new twin beds were finally found. The requirement of storage underneath was essential. Here are a couple pictures of Jackson and Cullen enjoying their new beds.
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