Friday, October 4, 2013

More Sickness and Delays

As I am standing here typing, I hear Sawyer at the kitchen table thoroughly enjoying his lunch.  This seems to be the first time in a couple of days he's eaten more than his formula and some Cherrios. 

Sawyer, unfortunately, caught the croup bug from Cullen.  He has not been feeling well this week.  I had to take him to the doctor's yesterday when developed a cough.  Luckily, nothing is in his chest.  He's just very congested and was running a fever.  He looks to be better today and is acting more like his normal self and not all 'I want mom to hold me every minute of the day because I don't feel well.'

I've been dealing with Sawyer being sick.  Andrew picked up the nastiness as well as I did.  For some reason whenever the kids get sick, Andrew gets sick.  His voice is hoarse, he's congested, and I get to put up with all the snoring that comes with it.  Aren't I a lucky wife?!

And let's not forget, I picked up the nasty little bug too.  Unfortunately, I get no sick days from my job.  I get to put up with cranky toddlers and babies while trudging through with my own coughing, sneezing, congestion, and lack of sleep.  I swear I am the only one who doesn't sleep in this house when the kids gets sick.

Add on top of all this, the government shut down which is delaying all home buyers from getting their needed IRS tax forms.  I realize I am not the only one effected by it.  Damn it, it pisses me off!  I will not go into my tirade, but get your shit together and open the government back up.

This week has been crazy and stressful and full of sickness.  I will be very happy when my household is back to healthy status.

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