Monday, July 30, 2012

The M&M Incident, the Switch and Pink Eye

The boys official summer vacation started after preschool let out on Friday.  All four of us went to the neighborhood pool Friday afternoon to celebrate.  Jackson was showing off all the skills he's learned at swim lessons.  His kicking and using his arms (dog paddling) has improved significantly.  He has no problem sticking his head underwater or jumping in the pool and kicking back up the surface.  Andrew and I were pretty impressed.

On Sunday, I had a handful of M&Ms which the boys discovered and demanded be shared.  Jackson inhaled his while Cullen ate his one by one.  When Cullen was on his last one, he sucked the candy coating off then took it out of his mouth.  He does this every now and then, and I told him to put it back in his mouth which he did.  I didn't notice anything amiss until Andrew was saying, "Get a paper towel!"  I look over and see Cullen had put the chocolate part of the M&M in Jackson's hair because he happened to be sitting in front of him.  Cullen was about to start playing with the M&M in Jackson's hair, but Andrew trapped his hands while I cleaned it up.  Of course before I pulled the candy out, I took a picture.  Gotta capture the moment!

"Look Mom, its right there!"
Since the boys had been good, Andrew and I decided to take them out for a little ice cream Sunday afternoon.  Cullen got a scoop of vanilla while Jackson picked out a scoop of strawberry.  Andrew and I decided to get milkshakes.  We were sitting at our table, and the boys aren't really eating their ice cream.  Cullen decided it was odd he couldn't grab it in his hand to put it in his mouth.  And this of course led to me wiping a copious amount of ice cream off his hands.  Jackson was just picking at his.  About two minutes into sipping on our milkshakes, both boys decided they wanted a taste.  Andrew let Jackson taste his and I let Cullen taste mine.  That was a mistake.  We didn't get our milkshakes back.  Neither boy would give up his cup, so Andrew and I started eating their ice cream.  I was a little disgruntled I couldn't eat what I actually ordered, but at least Jackson and Cullen enjoyed our shakes!

And to top our weekend off, Jackson woke up from his nap with some pus and drainage coming out of his right eye.  His eye was swollen and puffy.  A couple hours later, the left eye started draining too.  This morning Jackson and I headed off to the walk-in clinic at our pediatrician's office.  It didn't take long for the doctor to tell us it was pink eye.  Andrew and I knew that's what it was, but we also knew he needed a prescription.  I'm assuming he either got it from a kid a swim lessons or a classmate at preschool.  Jackson was really good about getting the eye drops put in.  No struggle and fighting took place.  Now, we are keeping our fingers crossed Cullen doesn't get it.

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