Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Do NOT repeat what I just said

Why is it when I say certain things around my children, they always pick up on the one or two words they should have known not to hear.  It's like my kids have bad word radar in their ears or word-dar as I have so thoughtfully dubbed it.  I can be having a normal conversation with Andrew while they are completely ignoring us.  As soon as I say something they shouldn't hear, their ears perk up and mouths repeat.  It's like having a damn parrot in the room at all times.

I was driving the boys to go pick up Andrew at work one day.  We were having a pleasant car ride, singing songs, and not arguing.  I caught a red light and braked when I hear a voice in the back say, "God Damn It!"  My sentiments exactly, but I never voiced them.  Instead, I turned around and proceed to say those were adult words, and you are not an adult.  All the while trying not to bust a gut laughing because those words coming out of a toddler's mouth are hysterical.  Especially when used correctly.

Just last night, Andrew and I were talking while I was feeding Sawyer.  I was speaking figuratively of something I was going to 'kill' when Jackson yells from the kitchen table, "Don't say that word.  You're not allowed to say the killing word."  I got scolded by my 3 year old!  See he had been playing and telling Cullen, "I'm going to kill you," then proceeding to shoot him with the Lego gun he made.  I have no idea where he learned to connect those dots.  Regardless, I didn't want him saying kill or killing.  Jackson was told not say kill, but he could say "I'm going to get you."  So after many reminders, he finally caught on.  Now apparently, no one is allowed to say it.  I was reminded as much last night.  He hears that, yet when I tell him to clean up or pick up his little ears just happen not to hear me.  Hmm....

Why oh why do my children feel the need to repeat everything I say?  It's not even bad most of the time, but common sayings they start saying out of context.  Jackson will say, "It's not your problem."  He doesn't even use it correctly most of the time, so I'm left wondering what the hell just happened.  Now he started saying everything will be happening 'next week.'  The boy has zero concept of time, but everything is next week.

The other day Jackson brought me a book from one of our upstairs shelves.  I see the book and ask, "Where did you get this shitty book?"  The question is out of my mouth before I even realize what I just said.  It was an impulse and compulsion at the same time.  I couldn't avoid it.  I swear!  Of course, Jackson makes his O face because he knows I just said a bad word.  I immediately follow that up with, "Don't repeat that."  I'm not perfect.  Some things are more instinctive to me especially when something hits a deep seeded nerve of mine.

My parrots are teaching me to clean up my sailor mouth when they are around.  I've gotten much better, but when I'm with adults, I normally just revert back to me.  You gotta love me for me!  My husband does with a smile!

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